Crafts & DIY
Every Gardener Needs To Know This Ice Cube Watering Trick
Emma Smizer

If you’re like me at all, you probably are a notorious over water-er. You fill up your watering can and just have it, because obviously your garden needs water, right? But how much water is too much or too little? Care instructions can also tend to be a tad vague when it comes to the amount of water each plant needs.What does “moderate watering” even mean? Plus, some plants need different amounts of water and drainage than their neighbors do.

Thankfully the answer to your garden woes is sitting in your freezer.


Using ice cubes instead of water has actually become not only a popular trend, but also a handy DIY hack that every gardener should know. Let’s break it down.

How It Works

Obviously it doesn’t take a scientist to know that ice cubes melt into water – but it does take one clever gardener to know how to use ice cubes to up their green-thumb game.

Ice cubes are a great slow-release watering system, which allows your plants enough time to absorb all of the water they need without it running off or passing through too quickly. Using ice cubes instead of the traditonal watering method can also save you some money in the long run as you won’t be wasting as much water.


When to Use Ice Cubes

Not all plants are going to take too kindly to this new watering method, especially plants that actually do need that much water or require less drainage. Keep in mind that plants in direct sunlight tend to need more water due to how quickly water can evaporate, so using this ice cube trick might not be in your best interest when it comes to those specific cases.

However, indoor plants like orchids and some of those hard-to-reach hanging planters will absolutely LOVE ice cubes. Try sticking your finger into the soil to see if your plant has gotten enough water. If the first two inches of the soil are damp, they’ve received plenty of water for the day.

We recommend keeping track of how many ice cubes it takes to thoroughly water your plants and carefully monitor your plant’s leaves. If you notice excessive runoff or sudden drooping, you might be adding too many ice cubes.

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