Crafts & DIY
How To Make A Stunning Marble Necklace Using Ice Water
This is such a great DIY project. It's not inexpensive, fun, and the end result is astounding!
Patricia Lynn

If there’s something you should know about me, it’s that I love wearing necklaces. If there’s one more thing you should know about me, it’s that I love making necklaces and much as I love wearing them.

I’m always on the lookout for more DIY necklace projects, and with this amazing tutorial from Crafts Unleashed about how to make a cracked marble necklace, I may have found just that!


The above photo is the end result of the beautiful cracked marble necklace you’ll be making. Isn’t it beautiful?


You’ll need the following items to start:

  • clear or colored marbles
  • necklace cordings or chains
  • bead caps
  • eye pins
  • jump rings
  • E-6000 adhesive or equivalent
  • needle-nose pliers
  • baking sheet
  • bowl
  • ice
  • oven

First, preheat your oven to 500 degrees farenheit. Place the marbles you’ll be using on a baking tray.


Bake the tray of marbles for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, make a bowl of ice water.


After removing the tray from the oven, immediately dump the marbles into the ice water. You’ll see that the insides of the marbles will crack while the outsides stays the same.


Use one bead cap and one eye bin to make each necklace.


Place the eye pin inside the bead cap, and make sure the loop is on top. Trim the eye pin, but make sure there’s enough leftover wire so you can make a loop using pliers.


Put some E-6000 adhesive inside the bead cap. Don’t get it on anything else!


Let the adhesive dry.


Once it’s dry, you can add the ring to the eye pin and put your necklace cording or chain through. Now your beautiful cracked marble necklace is done!

If you want to go even further, experiment with different colors by using either nail polish or glitter to give your marbles that extra style. Enjoy!

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[Source: Crafts Unleashed]
