Check Out This Dazzling Kitchen Inside 628 Sq. Feet Cabin
Patricia Lynn

I have a confession to make. For some reason, I’ve never had a desire to own a big house. My friends dream about it all the time to me, how they would love a spacious home with multiple spare bedrooms and a huge backyard. Honestly, I think it would be too much of a burden to enjoy. Think about all the maintenance you would have to do to keep such a large house in order!

Personally, I would prefer a smaller, cozier, yet just as beautiful place. And I think I may have found just that…

Real Log Homes

From the outside, this 628 square foot cabin doesn’t seem like much. Like my mom always told me, however, you should never judge a book by its cover.

Real Log Homes

This 628 square foot boasts a mini fireplace that doesn’t come off as overwhelming. As a result, the living room becomes a perfect place to get cozy.

incredible-kitchen-628-square-foot-cabin-10Real Log Homes

What really brings this cabin together, however, is the kitchen. Just check out that beautiful wood table top and those beautiful wood cabinets. I’m not going to lie, I would do anything to be able to cook in this kitchen!

Real Log Homes

Let’s not forget the bedrooms, which are simple, but closely adhere to the cabin’s overall rustic theme.

Real Log Style

Here’s the floor plan for this cabin. As you can see, things are a bit tight, but that doesn’t mean this cabin is any less special. In fact, I think I would prefer a place like this versus a huge cabin. What about you? Would you want to live in this cabin with its dazzling rustic kitchen? We want to hear your thoughts. Let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE this beautiful small cabin with your friends and family.
