Crafts & DIY
Everyday Household Items Transformed Into Art
Patricia Lynn

One of my favorite activities growing up was art. Whether it was drawing, painting, or making crafts, there was nothing more joyful than spending an entire day making something out of nothing. Although I don’t have that much time these days to dedicate to art, I might just have to make some time after seeing all these brilliant art ideas using just normal household items!

Create Paint Bubbles Using Bubble Wrap

First, grab a paint brush and add different colors of acrylic paint on bubble wrap in a stripe pattern (or whatever pattern you prefer!). Then, take your bubble wrap and firmly pressed it against a canvas to create a mesmerizing canvas of dots!


Use Feathers To Give Your Canvas A Modern Look

There’s no better way to give your canvas a bit of a modern art feel than with feathers. If you have an old feather duster lying around, try cleaning it up and them dipping it in some paint. When you use your feather to paint on your canvas, you’ll find that the paint will give off an unique textured look.


Just look at this end result. Your guests will interpret whatever they see from this work of art — all thanks to your old feather duster!


Use Your Vegetables For Art!

Apparently, vegetables aren’t just for eating. Here are a couple ways you can use vegetables to create art:

If you were eating corn on the cob, but you didn’t have the appetite to finish a whole one by yourself, don’t throw the rest of the cob away and let it go to waste. Try adding some paint to the kernels that are left and roll the cob onto a fresh canvas. Now that’s a look you probably haven’t seen before!


Here’s another thing you probably didn’t know. Bell peppers are actually in the form of a clover leaf! So if you’re looking to add bit of Irish charm to your canvas, try dipping your bell pepper in green paint and using it as a nifty clover leaf stamp!


Use Yarn To Create A Special Line Effect

If you like to create abstract patterns, try wrapping some yarn around a piece of wood block and then dip the block in your favorite color of paint. Then use the block and apply paint to a canvas. The line effect that results is sure to be an eye catcher in any piece.


Same Yarn, Different Technique

You can use yarn in a similar way by wrapping the yarn around a paint roller instead of a wood block. Instead of a straight line effect, you’ll probably get something more similar to the pattern you might see on a zebra. And because you’re using a paint roller, you can either paint a canvas or a whole wall!


Ever Heard Of A Celery Stalk Stamp?

I sure haven’t, but that just makes this even more amazing to me! Instead of throwing out the stub of a celery stalk, try dipping it in paint to create a beautiful flower stamp you can use in any of your creations!


Potatoes Are Good For More Than Just Food

Potatoes can be used for art as well! You can create any shaped stamp using a leftover potato.

First, use a sharpie to highlight your desired shape on a potato. Then, use an X-Acto knife to cut the shape as shown in the picture below. Next, use an regular kitchen knife to cut a slice of the potato to make sure your shape is protruding from the rest of the potato.


Now that you know how to create a potato stamp, there’s no need for you to waste money for expensive stamps at the arts and crafts store ever again. If you want a new shape? All you need is another potato — how cool!


Wrap A Roller In Plastic Wrap

If you’re looking to create an unpredictable pattern, try wrapping a roller in plastic wrap and then put your favorite colors on the wrap. Roll the roller on a canvas and you’ll create some patterns that you’ve never seen before!


Beautiful Wine Cork Stamp

If you have a favorite wine bottle lying around, but you don’t know what to do with the cork, did you ever think about turning it into a stamp? Try drawing your favorite shape on a wine bottle cork, then use a X-Acto knife to cut out the shape (very similarly to how you would do it for the potato stamp).


In the end you’ll have a durable stamp that you can keep for years to come. How cool is that?


What did you think? Would you consider making any of these? We want to hear your thoughts. Let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE these clever art pieces made with household items with your friends and family!


[Source: Pinterest]
