Crafts & DIY
Man brings home 200-year-old “worm-eaten” chair to restore it piece by piece
It looked more akin to driftwood than antique furniture when he brought it home. Not anymore.
Jessica Adler

It was a day like any other when our protagonist embarked on a journey to the countryside, only to find himself momentarily lost.

But as fate would have it, this detour led him to a remarkable discovery: a chair.

Not just any chair, but one that bore the weight of history, estimated to be between 115 to 200 years old.

At first glance, it seemed more like driftwood than a piece of furniture, with its warped structure and extensive damage from woodworms.

The challenge? To restore this relic to its former glory.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

The chair’s condition was dire.

Its wood, possibly elm or oak, was fragile, and its once sturdy frame now resembled firewood. But instead of being deterred, our craftsman was determined.

He began by using a sandblaster with a built-in vacuum, a tool that efficiently removed old varnish and paint.

However, due to the extensive woodworm damage, this process also revealed more of the chair’s vulnerabilities, leaving behind holes and exposed damaged areas.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

With the initial cleaning done, it was time to address the chair’s structural issues.

The craftsman opted for expanding glue to mend broken parts, hoping its expansive nature would seep into every crevice, ensuring a strong bond.

To further stabilize the chair, he applied wood hardener, a substance that would penetrate the parched wood and fortify it.

The chair was so dry that it absorbed the hardener almost instantly.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

As the restoration progressed, our craftsman faced another challenge: the wood filler he used to patch up the chair’s many holes and cracks wasn’t setting as expected.

It remained tacky and was difficult to work with.

But adversity only fueled his determination.

He decided to sand the chair once more, ensuring the wood filler was smooth and even.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

Among the chair’s many issues was a missing spindle.

For someone who had never tried woodturning before, recreating this spindle was a daunting task.

But with patience and precision, he managed to craft a near-perfect replica, showcasing his adaptability and skill.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

The chair’s color was another aspect to consider.

Recalling its original dark hue, possibly walnut or mahogany, he chose a light walnut stain as the base.

This not only revived the chair’s vintage look but also prepared it for the final touches.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

Wax was then applied to fill in any remaining holes and cracks.

This process, while meticulous, was essential in ensuring the chair’s surface was smooth and even.

He applied lacquer toner to deeply enhance the chair’s color and give it a polished finish.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

Just when it seemed the restoration was nearing its end, another challenge arose.

The chair’s backrest, which had straightened out over the years, no longer fit its frame.

Undeterred, our craftsman disassembled the backrest, adjusting its parts until they aligned perfectly with the chair’s structure.

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YouTube - Flippingdrawers

The journey of restoring the chair was filled with trials and triumphs.

From its initial state of decay to its final, resplendent form, the chair’s transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

See this masterful restoration take shape in the video below!

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