Crafts & DIY
Man tears down his old fence then transforms it into stunning outdoor furniture
I never would have imagined he could make such a beautiful furniture set from an old fence. It turned out great!
Cedric Jackson

Usually, when someone has an old wooden fence, they either have it hauled away or they sell it for junk. But with recycling and repurposing trends on the rise, some people use the wood for different reasons. As long as it’s not termite infested, the possibilities are endless.

Nothing to salvage

Most people who see this photo would immediately think there’s nothing there to salvage. But the truth is…this wood can be used for multiple things. Just because it looks bad doesn’t mean it can’t be saved.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Turning trash into treasure

One man came up with a brilliant idea. His old wooden fence had seen better days. But he didn’t want to throw it out. So, he came up with an incredible plan that yielded results that seemed too good to be true.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Choosing the right pieces

This guy started by selecting pieces of his old fence that were in the best condition. Then, he carefully measured the height and width of each. With that done, he turned his attention to the project he had in mind.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Dismantling the fence

For the next step, this man dismantled the fence, leaving him with individual slats. Now, he had to sand all the pieces. But instead of using a hand sander that would take a lot of time and effort, he used a special machine.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Beautiful surface

By feeding the slats into the machine, it removed the top surface of the wood. As each one came out the other end, it had a clean and smooth surface. This part of the project took very little time, which allowed him to move on quickly to the next stage.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Cutting to size

With the sanding complete, he remeasured the slats and began to cut them to size. So, what was this guy planning to make? His plan was to turn a nasty old fence into gorgeous outdoor furniture. But was it possible?

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

More sanding

With all the pieces of wood now the correct size, this guy ran them through the sanding machine again. To smooth out any rough edges, he did a little bit of hand sanding. With that done, he ended up with a stack of wood that looked as though it just came from a lumberyard.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Moving on

From there, this man completed additional phases of the project. That included making miter cuts, laying the pieces out to get a visual of the finished job, and doing a final check to make sure everything would fit together as planned. Then came the fun part.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Putting it all together

Piece by piece, this guy began to assemble the now ready pieces. Initially, it doesn’t look like much. But as you watch the video of this, you can slowly see everything coming together perfectly. Before long, his vision became apparent.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

The final touches

Choosing his colors carefully, he finally completes the project. The three pieces of outdoor furniture he made are beyond beautiful. Not only do they look amazing but they’re also comfortable to sit on. Wow…all of this from an old wooden fence.

YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY
YouTube Screenshot/MyATCtv DIY

Thanks to him posting his step-by-step video, perhaps you’ll feel inspired. Check it out by clicking on it below.

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Source: Home Talk, YouTube
