When it comes to hair and cool new styles and trends, you probably think of women. Most people do. But men care about their appearance as well. As you’ll discover, a lot of them are willing to try something different. And most of the time, the results are amazing. See for yourself with these 48 photos.
1. Surfer dude to model
In the before photo, this guy looks more like someone who spends all day at the beach surfing. While the scruffy hair isn’t bad, the after photo is incredible. Now, he could be a professional model.

2. Is this the same person?
Wow…what a difference. Not only was this man’s long locks cut off but he did something wonderful with it. He donated it to Wigs for Kids.

3. Grizzly Adams Lookalike
If you didn’t know better, you might swear this was Grizzly Adams or at least a close relative. But now, he has an entirely different appearance. He’s so handsome, he could easily grace the cover of GQ Magazine.

4. Big change
While some men in their 50s still rock long hair, it’s usually not a good look. So, this guy took a big leap by having it cut off. He now appears at least 10 years younger and from the smile on his face, he’s super happy with the outcome.

5. The better-looking twin brother?
Nope…it’s the same person. Isn’t it amazing what a good hairstyle can do? The change in this man’s appearance is unbelievable.

6. An improved style
For one thing, this man’s new hairstyle helps thin out his face. At the same time, it opens up his features.

7. Shocking transformation
With this a profile picture, you can tell it’s the same person. But if you saw him straight on, you’d probably do a double-take. With his new haircut, he looks suave and debonair. The person who did this has some incredible clipper skills.

8. No way…
…there’s no way this is the same person…but it is. This just goes to show that the right hairstyle can dramatically change the way men with balding or high forehead issues look. This is fantastic.

9. It’s a tossup
Either way, this guy is good looking. So, it’s a tossup. But with shorter hair and a clean beard, he looks a lot younger. The shorter style also showcases his gorgeous eyes.

10. A nice improvement
In the before photo, this man has kind of an unkept look. But with his new haircut, he comes across as someone who’s got it all together. The only thing that didn’t change was his cute smile.

11. James Dean vibe
When looking at the after photo of this individual with his wind-swept hair, you kind of get a James Dean vibe. You know, a tough guy with a soft, sexy side. The before…yeah, not so much.

12. Those eyes
This guy has incredible eyes. The problem was that with his long, stringy hair, you didn’t even notice them. But with this cut, they definitely pop.

13. Holy cow
Yes, a lot of women would die to have this guy’s long hair. And while stunning, it didn’t do much for his looks. Now with a trendy hairstyle, he could easily be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

14. Slight resemblance
With a cool haircut, this man has a slight resemblance to Russell Crowe during his heyday. In the before photo, you just see an ordinary guy. But now, he probably turns a lot of lady’s heads.

15. So much better
Long, straight hair on men with a slender build never looks good. It elongates the body, almost making them appear sickly. Thanks to a great stylist, his hair looks thicker and he has a healthier appearance.

16. No more Bieber
A lot of guys wore their hair to match the style of Justin Bieber. But after nine years, this guy decided to make a change. The cut along with the color of his hair equals perfection.

17. That’s what we’re talking about
This style this man had original is so boring that’s it’s non-descriptive. But now, he looks incredible. Here’s another example of how a different style can make someone’s eyes stand out.

18. Time to grow up
There were two problems with this person’s original style. For one, it made him look like a kid and for another, he could almost pass for a girl. But with a change, he’s now all grown up and looking fine.

19. Messy to sexy
In little time, this man went from looking a mess to someone with sex appeal. This super trendy style looks perfect on him. And like several other individuals in this group, he donated his long hair to Wigs for Kids.

20. No longer long
Talk about some long hair. Although he admitted he wasn’t sure if he liked the change, it certainly is a big one and most will agree he looks great!

21. Show off what you have
Some men grow their hair long as a way of hiding strong facial features. But most of them should do the opposite. This guy chose a hairstyle that allowed his features to stand out…he looks incredible.

22. Yes, yes, and yes
Talk about a shocking transformation. Not to be mean but in his before photo, this individual looked like a female school librarian. The spiked do is refreshing and far more appealing.

23. Little change…big difference
A dramatic new style isn’t always necessary to make a man look handsome. Cutting off roughly four inches of hair and adding some waves for texture, he has a different appearance. The framing technique used by the stylist makes his face looks thinner and more defined.

24. Taming an unruly mop
Having frizzy hair often creates challenges for men. But in this case, the guy had a skilled stylist who got rid of the mop and replaced it with an awesome style. This is what you call improvement.

25. Sleek new do
This guy said he loved his new hairstyle and we do too. It fits his facial features to a tee and makes him appear more mature. He made the right decision with this change.

26. That’s sexy
This guy wasn’t bad looking with his long hair. But after having it cut, he went from cute to handsome. Here’s another example of how the right hairstyle highlights prominent features. Now, he has sex appeal.

27. Trying something new
While not all guys can rock this kind of look, it suits this man just fine. The trendy style coupled with a short beard does this individual justice. What a remarkable change.

28. Going all out
When it came time for a new hairstyle, this man went all out. Not only did he have his hair cut but also darkened. The stylist also cleaned up his scraggly beard. The final touch…he opted for new glasses.

29. A smart move
Now, he exudes confidence and sophistication. It’s weird because his face looks the same yet very different.

30. Subtle yet shocking
This guy has a great stylist. After giving that person carte blanc to do whatever they wanted to his hair, this was the result. He went from looking like the teenage boy next door to a refined young man.

31. Starting a new career
To prepare for an upcoming interview as a computer analyst, this man knew he needed to update his look. And wow, did he. But here’s the deal…this haircut makes him look at least 10 years younger.

32. An entirely different aura
With dark hair, eyes, and even clothes, this man looks almost angry in his before photo. Something as simple as a new hairstyle helped soften his appearance but without diminishing his masculinity. Even his eyes seem to smile.

33. From night to day…
…that’s how dramatic this guy’s look is after having his hair cut and colored. Now, he’s ready to take on the world. And he was kind enough to donate his locks to Wigs for Kids.

34. Long to short
This man hadn’t had his hair cut in more than four years. But wanting to be taken more seriously in the workplace, he knew it was time for a change. He now has a clean, up-to-date style.

35. Time for a change
With hair that was way out of style, this guy wanted something that looked great but didn’t require much maintenance. And that’s what he got. He looks a lot more mature.

36. A new hunk in town
This is a dramatic change. Considering how great this guy looks with his new haircut, we can’t even imagine why he wore it the other way. There’s no question that women will love the change.

37. This deserves a 10
While this man had gorgeous, thick hair, it swallowed him up. His new style is trendy and perfect for the shape of his face. Please don’t ever go back.

38. Unrecognizable
Okay, he’s the same on the inside but not the outside. If this person walked into a room of friends and family members after getting his hair cut but without saying a word, we’re betting no one would recognize him. The is a drastic change in appearance.

39. One handsome guy
With a new haircut, this guy became even more handsome than he was before. The tapered cut and cleaned up beard look fantastic. And you can tell he loves it by the big smile on his face.

40. Going to the extreme
For years, men did everything possible to avoid going bald. But today, a shaved head is a hot trend. Although this guy had a great head of hair, he wanted to do something extreme. It’s too bad more men don’t consider this option.

41. The transformation of a lumberjack
Okay, we have no idea if this guy is a lumberjack but by the looks of his before photo, he could be. But then when you look at the after photo, you see a completely different person. And notice that huge grin…he loves the transformation.

42. Man bangs
Sometimes, as in this case, bangs look great on guys. Although his forehead isn’t super high, the new hairstyle gives his face more symmetry. Also, the wisps of hair are more appropriate for his age. Nice job.

43. A more modern style
Although both styles of this guy’s hair are modern, the change has more of an edge. Especially for the younger generation, this is important. He should definitely keep the new cut…it’s amazing.

44. A real shocker
after having his hair cut and styled, he appears more like a successful musician or sculptor. While many of these transformations are unbelievable, this one might define “dramatic change” the best.

45. He could model
Here’s another man that looks super handsome after getting a new hairstyle. In fact, he looks so good, he could model. There is no way to even compare the images. The new cut highlights his stunning cheekbones and other features.

46. Classy
When trying to describe how this man looks after getting a different hairstyle, that’s the word that comes to mind. In the before photo, he appears somewhat disheveled. But now…he’s one good-looking dude.

47. A fresh start
In life, a fresh start can consist of something as simple as changing your appearance. That’s what this guy decided to do. Gone is the messy hair and in its place, a short buzz that looks fantastic. As this man stated, he took the plunge and he’s glad he did.

48. Siblings?
This just goes to show how the right hairstyle can have such a huge impact on someone’s appearance. The stylist gave him a cut that turned him into a very handsome guy.

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Source: Bright Side, Bright Side, Bright Side