Picture perfect photos are great, sure. Family portraits can make a wonderful addition to any living room.
But do your photos tell a compelling story? What happens next?
Some photos are peaceful while others are lifeless. Many leave nothing to the imagination, nor do they intend to!
It’s those incredible, unexpected photos that really hit you. If you’re looking for some adventure, you’ve certainly come to the right place.
Check out 75 of the most perfectly-timed photos ever. Seriously, what happens next?!

1. Apocalyptic escape
This looks like footage from an apocalypse movie. Have you seen Train to Busan? What about World War Z? This looks more 2012, honestly. They should make an apocalypse movie called 2020…

2. Hockey puck to the face
Hockey goalies have cat-like reflexes. The puck’s practically impossible to see at all moments of the game. He still hasn’t reacted. This puck’s certainly going to rattle his cage.

3. Water balloon burst
Some water balloons seemingly hold limitless water. But how much water does a typical balloon hold? These two are about to find out… Yeah, that’s a lot of water.

4. Catching food
Catching food in your mouth isn’t easy. I can’t tell if this is a hot dog or a pretzel. The mustard smeared all over her face doesn’t narrow it down, either. You can see it in her eyes… She’s determined to catch the food. You win some, you lose some.

5. Circle of life
A predator’s gotta eat, for better or worse. This fish honestly looks like a piranha. Kudos to the photographer. This is the circle of life in all its awful glory.

6. Wheelie
Popping a wheelie’s pretty cool. This bike just couldn’t handle it. There goes the front tire… and everything else with it. I’m glad this biker’s wearing a helmet!

7. Falling
He looks right out of the Tour de France. That curb was particularly punishing. I hope he’s okay. I hope the bike’s okay, too.

8. Bird of prey
Birds don’t usually eat humans. But this one’s extra hungry. That’s a pretty frightening sight. That jacket might not be in the best shape anymore.

9. Cupcake!
That cupcake looks scrumptious. I know this dog can agree. I’m salivating just looking at this photo. Do dogs like red velvet flavors?

10. Owl eyes
This kid’s just chilling in his warm hood, enjoying the world. But this owl somehow takes offense. That’s a pretty intimidating bird. As Napoleon Dynamite almost said, “Do the owls have large talons?”

11. Dropping a load
So what we have here is a car falling out of a car. Well, at least a toy car falling out of a “real” car. Hey, toy cars are cars, too! I hope the driver noticed…

12. Jumping for joy
He’s jumping for joy. Why? Well, it’s beach day. Doggo’s excited too. This one’s going to hurt…

13. Keep your eyes on the balls
Contact sports come with their risks. Always keep your eye on the ball. No, not those balls… The game ball! Walk it off, number 16… walk it off.

14. Boxing love
This is a boxing glove. Pow, right in the kisser! This is also boxing love. I hope dad’s okay. His nose took a direct shot.

15. Water fall
Wow, he looks like he’s breaking his fall on the water. He’s simultaneously touching it without breaking the surface tension. Waterfalls are way better than falling in water. Just ask this guy.

16. RIP cake
Who doesn’t love cake? Those eyes say it all. Rest in peace, cake. I’m sure you were delicious.

17. Clover
This is peak photography. Get ready for impact. Do you like ultimate? I kinda wanna play some right now. Also, cool four-leaf clover!

18. Gun
Never play with guns. He’s got a laser weapon and he’s ready to fire. Oh, and he’s pointing it right at you… Watch out.

19. Wedding catastrophe
Weddings ceremonies are lovely affairs. A beautiful dock’s the perfect setting for tying the knot. Unfortunately, this one had a low weight limit. There goes the bride.

20. Ocean waves
I hope she’s okay! That’s a pretty tall order. They say if you gaze deep into the mouth of a giant wave that’s about to destroy you, you can see your life flash before your eyes. She probably wishes she was on her surfboard right about now.

21. Discus dog
This is the short, visual story of the dog and the discus. Dog’s had a rough morning. The tree certainly hasn’t helped. That would have been an easy catch, otherwise.

22. Cork eye
Be cautious around corks. Champagne bottles are deadly! Just ask this guy. I hope his eye’s okay.

23. Broken beer
For some, there’s nothing better than a tall glass of beer. So was it worth it? Totally. They obviously just ordered another beer, no problem.

24. Spill
Party time! Let’s take some photos with our friends! For better or worse, they’re about to be doused in liquor. It’s a great photo, regardless. They’re photogenic despite the mishap.

25. Broken bike
Mechanical malfunctions are the worst. Fortunately, this accident happened in a parking lot. Imagine if it happened on the interstate… Definitely wear a helmet next time!

26. Gatorade congratulations
The Gatorade bath after an important sporting victory is practically an institution. He’s just enjoying his interview until… He might have to take a second bath. Dried Gatorade’s pretty sticky.

27. Air
Have you heard of Air Jordan? Well, this is Air Playskool! Look at his face. He’s either having the time of his life or scared as hell.

28. Exploding soda
Everybody knows about Mentos and Diet Coke. This is a fun little experiment for the whole family! This young one was not expecting it. He got it right in the face.

29. Volleyball velocity
Watch out! That volleyball’s got some serious velocity. Grandma played volleyball in high school, coincidentally. This one’s going to hurt.

30. Tiger chicken
It’s not every day that you see a chicken on a car. It’s not every day you see a tiger. It’s certainly not every day that you see a tiger on a car… and in the middle of the snow… also on top of a car. I wonder if the chicken got away.

31. Pond
Have you ever fallen into a pond or lake? Sure, it’s surprising. But it’s also exhilarating. Just look at his face. Is that joy or fear?

32. Seagull snack
Humans like ice cream. Do birds like ice cream? Yep, birds like ice cream. I’m not sure this person wants the ice cream anymore, though.

33. Tailgating
They’re just trying to enjoy the game. The tailgate’s been a blast. But I’m not sure if he’s reacting to the football or he’s just really drunk. This one’s going to hurt…

34. Human Leaning Tower of Pisa
Have you ever been part of a human pyramid? Make sure you have a sturdy base. She definitely didn’t… This one’s going to end poorly. Meanwhile, the dog’s just chilling.

35. ATV falling
ATVs are fantastic fun! But some people aren’t old enough to handle them. Neither of them technically has a license… As an aside, never forget to wear a seat belt!

36. Hawk eyes
Hawks have some seriously sharp eyes. This bird of prey saw the squirrel from miles away. Poor guy. Power lines are obviously unsafe, in general, but usually for different reasons…

37. Mud bath
Few things in life are more genuine than the sheer joy of a child. I wonder what this would look like if the photo was taken two seconds later? Mud. Mud everywhere.

38. Water balloon bonanza
Water balloon fights are tons of fun. It’s essentially a fact. Capturing the exact moment a water balloon explodes isn’t easy. These results are awesome.

39. Curious cat
This cat sure is curious. It’s been trying to capture the laser fairy for eons. She has no idea… I wonder what happens next?

40. The amazing flying cat
Wait, where did this cat come from? It’s like it phased through the walls. Oh no, there goes the cat food! What is going on?!

41. Braking
I know it hurt. Like, probably a lot. Remember to always wear a helmet! The asphalt is unforgiving. Thicker tires might come in handy there.

42. Water skiing
Water skiing’s a blast! Sure, there will be wipeouts along the way, but don’t let that stop you! Little Bro’s having a wonderful time. Older Brother on the other hand…

43. Spilled drink
Never cry over spilled milk. But a delectable alcoholic beverage? It’s at least worth a grimace… Unfortunately, this child has yet to meet the minimum drinking age.

44. Unexpected hammer
He looks away for a split second and this happens! Always stay on your toes around drunk friends! I’m sure this hurt. I hope his nose is okay…

45. Hair on fire
Her friend still hasn’t acknowledged it… I wonder what this would look like five seconds later. I hope her hair’s all grown back! Remember to stop, drop, and roll.

46. Flip-flop face
He knows it’s coming! His glasses have already tried to escape from his face! I wonder what’s going on? I wonder what he said to prompt that reaction…

47. Sports smack
There’s a lot of smack talk in sports. Other times, there’s straight up, literal smacking. This looks like friendly competition between two friends. Hopefully he’s a good sport.

48. Baby goat
It’s hard to get proper exercise when cooped up in the house all day! Baby Goat just wants to play. She looks pretty scared… Well, there is a baby goat headed right towards her like a torpedo… It’s still cute, though.

49. Group photo
Her smile’s about to dissolve… Give it like 1.5 seconds. Maybe she’s a glass half-full kind of person. Anyway, it looks like a fun party.

50. The Abominable Snowman
Watch out for the Abominable Snowman! Legend states that it lurks in cold, mountainous regions. Nobody knows its true origins… until now. This is where it all started.

51. Cake catastrophe
Wow, that cake looks delicious. I’m sure it’ll be perfect for the party… Oh no! All of a sudden I have a sour taste in my mouth. Another cake bites the dust

52. Sunbathing gone wrong
She’s definitely not going to appreciate this. Splashing an unsuspecting dry person with water is a surefire way to catch some verbal heat. It’s a great photo, though. She has no idea…

53. World of wave
It’s beach day. I don’t know about you, but he’s surfing USA. Judging by his facial expression, he might not be quite ready for this one. Surf’s up.

54. Water balloon hair
Water balloon fights are (usually) harmless fun in the sun. Someone sent this one straight for his head… The result’s spectacular. Kudos to the photographer.

55. Smacked
Some people take competition very seriously. They’ll do anything to win. I’m not sure this was intentional. But she could have gone without it.

56. Picked nose
Basketball’s a high-speed game. Attempting a dunk or lay-up may be met with fierce resistance at the rim. But nose-picking? That’s hard to pull off.

57. Fallen marriage
Today’s the big day. It’s a small ceremony with friends and family. What could go wrong? Well, don’t ask the groom.

58. NASA fish
This fish is as slippery as a fish! Kudos to the photographer for at least getting some of the day’s catch. It belongs in the water, anyway. Swim free, fishie. Swim free.

59. The great outdoors
The photographer captured this plunge at the perfect moment. He legitimately looks like he’s levitating. Maybe he’s just walking on water… no big deal. What a beautiful little aquatic sanctuary by the way.

60. The death of a phone
Dropping a smartphone can shatter your day. She forgot to secure the phone snugly in her pocket! The results are catastrophic… RIP phone.

61. Flying
I wonder what flying feels like? Well, this person just found out. Besides the faceplant, it honestly wasn’t too bad. It’s all about sticking that landing.

62. Whale shark
Whale sharks are awesome! They’re like gentle, aquatic giants. Looks like the members of this boat acknowledge their cartilaginous friend. It’s not every day you get to see a whale shark!

63. Snowball
Snowball fights can get real. Sometimes those snowballs turn into… snow bricks. His mind hasn’t had time to process the pain. Hopefully he didn’t drop his drink.

64. Eruption
Most people have never seen a volcano so close. Even more people have never seen a volcano erupt. This is the shot of a lifetime. As long as they’re safe and sound, this is awesome.

65. Champions
Celebration snafus aren’t all that common. Sometimes the champions mess up and drop their trophies. This time, it’s clearly just a faulty trophy. I guess you’re supposed to lift from the bottom…

66. Muddy day
This is just not cool. Like not at all. I guess they can wash off all the mud in the ocean… Surf’s up! They’re still salty, though.

67. Car crash
This may have led to a serious injury. I hope the driver’s alright. Is the driver on the left waving goodbye? That’s ruthless.

68. Pool problems
Either she has incredible balance or she’s about to get wet! This photogenic young man has absolutely no idea. The camera person sure does, though. Pool days are always fun.

69. Ice
Be extra careful walking on ice! This guy had no idea. He lost a beverage in the process. I wonder if they offer ice-related refunds.

70. ATV wheelie catastrophe
Hey, let’s go for a spin! I got a new ATV! Sure, sounds great! Well, everything went downhill after the first wheelie.

71. Flip fiasco
Have you ever seen somebody flip out of a swing? I have. It’s pretty cool… but somewhat dangerous. I’m not sure she’s going to stick the landing.

72. Falling back
What a beautiful view! This is the perfect spot for a photo. Hey, we should all take seats on the railing! Those were famous last words.

73. Water cup catastrophe
Everyone’s spilled some water at one point or another. I can’t even go a month without knocking over a cup at the dinner table. She has one of the best seats in town. Unfortunately, she’s about to get hit in the face with a cup of water.

74. Belly smack
This had to hurt. Just look at that ripple… Honestly, belly smacks are the worst. Don’t do it to your friends. It hurts – a lot. Belly rubs, on the other hand…

75. Air
Kids, don’t do this at home. I’m hoping he’s not seriously injured after this one! Yeah, never try this. Especially not at home.

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