Crafts & DIY
12 Practical Ways To Use Mustard Around The Home
I had no idea the benefits not related to food, so interesting.
Caryl Jane Espiritu

You know mustard. It is quite a popular condiment, yes, but did you know that it is so much more useful than just being a perfect seasoning to your favorite meal? And these other benefits are not even related to food!

Mustard, the condiment, is made by grinding the seeds of the mustard plant. The whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seeds are mixed with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, or other liquids, salt, and often other flavorings and spices, to create a paste or sauce ranging in color from bright yellow to dark brown. Mustard can vary from being sweet to being spicy.


The benefits of mustard can be earned not just through the condiment, but from the actual seeds themselves, and there are certain ways to make use of this incredible plant depending on what problem you need to solve. Read on to find out more about the amazing ways mustard can change your life.


1. Helps with back pain

Working long hours in front of the computer can cause a lot of pain, especially on your back. It’s a good thing you can solve this with a quick trip to your kitchen to take 1-2 teaspoons of plain yellow mustard. Yup, that’s all you need to do!


2. Helps with foot pain

And since we’re talking about pain, then let us move on to another part of the body that is always on the go throughout the day: your feet! The perfect way to take care of your feet is by treating them to a foot soak. Crush two tablespoons of mustard seeds, add them to a foot bath and soak you tired feet for at least 15 minutes.


3. Getting rid of the stink


One of the worst things that could happen to you is when a skunk suddenly decides to spray its odor in your warm vehicle. Ugh! But, you are still lucky because you have mustard seeds to save the day! This time, what you will need is mustard powder. Add a cup of it to a bucket of warm water and mix it well. Use this solution to rinse your car tires, baseboards, undercarriage.


4. Remedy for colds

It’s winter once again and colds and flu are sadly common at this time of year. Don’t worry too much because all you really need is your ever-reliable mustard stash in the kitchen. What you want to do is a mustard plaster that you can spread across your chest. It is made of 2 whipped egg whites, 1 teaspoon of ground mustard seeds, and enough flour to create a paste. However, beware of putting undiluted mustard directly onto your skin. It can cause irritation so be on the lookout and ensure you are not allergic to mustards before trying this remedy.


5. Soothes your sore throat

A sore throat is very annoying. Speaking is difficult and it always hurts when you swallow. The solution would be an effective gargle to ease your sore throat. In a glass, mix 1 teaspoon each of yellow mustard, lemon juice, and salt. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to a half cup of boiling water. Mix the solution well wait for it to cool down to the temperature you prefer. Use this solution as a gargle to help in soothing your sore throat.


6. Great for elbow pain

Joints like elbows and knees are sometimes achy due to overexertion or due to aging. To help with managing the pain, make the mustard plaster that you can use for colds but instead of spreading it onto your chest, apply it onto the achy joints. Leave it wrapped on the affected area for bout 20 minutes.


7. Conditions your hair deeply

Mustard is even a great hair product! It is perfect for deeply conditioning your hair. You can either make a paste from olive oil and mustard powder or simply use mustard oil. Rub your scalp using this concoction and massage your hair from roots to tips. Wear a shower cap and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. Wash and condition as usual.


8. Helps in preventing weeds in your garden

Are you into gardening? Then you are probably having problems with getting weed out of your lawn or greenhouse. It’s a good thing that mustard is also useful in preventing weeds. Planting mustard seeds in your garden will inhibit the growth of weeds, but you might want to check further if the plants you really want to grow are not affected by the mustard seeds, too.


9. Soothes burns

Burns are brutal and they are definitely delicate. You can’t simply rub anything onto a burned area, even a part that was sunburned, because things might go the opposite way of getting better. Mustard, on the other hand, is a perfect solution to a burn. After rinsing the affected area, rub a thick layer of mild yellow mustard and leave it on for about 20 minutes or until the pain has subsided.


10. Organic facial mask

Having healthy skin is absolutely important, not just for women but for everyone. Here’s a nice tip to make your skin even more beautiful and radiant. Apply a thin layer of mild yellow mustard on your face. Make sure to keep it away from your eyes and nose. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse carefully.


11. Repels deer

Are you bothered by deer roaming close to your neighborhood? You can repel them with the help of mustard. As it turns out, the scent of mustard is much like human scent and deer are afraid of humans nearby. Just place containers with mustard seeds around the house so the deer will steer clear of your property.


12. Deodorizes bottles

Thinking of re-purposing bottles but the smell of their previous contents still lingers? Use mustard to get rid of the odor! Place half a tablespoon of yellow mustard in an empty bottle, fill about 3/4 of the container with warm water and swish around for a bit. After a few swishes, rinse the container well and it is now ready for use!

Who knew mustard can be this useful?

I thought it was a perfect match for my sandwich but I never thought it can also help a lot to ease pain and discomfort. It can even be a beauty product that your skin would thank you for! Mustard is one versatile plant and it is quite amazing to know how a simple part of our kitchens can be a huge help in various ways.

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Listen below to a doctor talk about the health benefits of mustard.
