Crafts & DIY
NASA physicist earns over 11 million views showing off his origami skills
He used his creativity and captured everyones' attention.
Sheehan Diapues

Origami has long been an interest in the world of art.

It has since evolved from a simple craft to a more intricate design used in Engineering and Science.

And this holds true from one of the physicists who used the paper-folding art for practical use.

Robert Lang is an origami master.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

“One of the most important attributes of origami is once we have studied and understood the way paper folds and unfolds, we can apply those patterns to things that are very different from paper,” said Robert Lang who worked at NASA before he made origami a career.

Unfolding is as important as folding.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

Origami is an ancient art of paper-folding and it originated in Japan.

One sheet of paper, no cuts.

Most origami is folded from a single sheet of paper without cutting or tearing.

He hopes that by using mathematics as the key principle in Origami designs that he can fold something that’s beautiful and unexpected.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

Before venturing further into this art, Lang had worked for NASA doing research on lasers. In 2001, he quit his job and made art his career.

“I’ve worked on a couple of different folding patterns that were round and would wrap into a cylindrical geometry to fit into a rocket,” Lang explained. “And I developed an airbag in a car that inflates from a small, folded bundle,” he added.

He puts origami to practical use.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

Origami has more practical applications.

He further expounded that ehenever an engineer creates something that opens and closes in a controlled manner, the principles of origami can be used.

Lang used his experience and brilliance in mathematics to achieve more shapes and creations that he could not believe can be done.

This was due to the original concept of Origami being just simple paper folding.

From 20 to 30 steps and one can create a simple paper craft.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

But today, origami has become so complicated that they can have tens of thousands or more steps before completing the piece.

Lang explained that when he is folding, it’s like working with an old friend.

It’s like dancing with a partner.

Each partner knows their own moves. So when he explores new patterns from the equations and calculations, the end result is beautiful most of the time.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

It never gets old.


“For me, the driving force is that there’s always something new to try: A new problem, a new subject, a new shape that I didn’t think I was able to create before,” Lang further explained. “But now I think I know how to realize it, and each time I solve a problem I get this wonderful feeling, and you want more of those feelings.”

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

It’s a flex people can appreciate.

The video has made more than 11 million views on Youtube and has gathered almost 5 thousand comments.

Mostly referencing him quitting his job at NASA to “fold paper” which is somewhat the biggest flex.


Some were words of appreciation about quitting a decent job to pursue something they love.

Youtube-Great Big Story
Youtube-Great Big Story

A user commented, “I remember picking up Lang’s book from the library in elementary school many, many years ago; I got into origami because of him and watching this, it really is inspiring!”

This is a great example of an art and science meeting halfway to come up with something that is crafty while being used with intricate engineering applications.

Truly a masterpiece in both worlds.


See how Lang turns intricate folds into something creative and useful in the video below!

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