Crafts & DIY
See how these 6 all natural recipes can effectively solve your oily skin problem
Jake Manning

Do you ever find yourself wiping or washing your face many times throughout the day? It certainly gets annoying, and if you wear make up, you have to try your best not to wipe that off either. For many of us, and some of us more than others, we have oily facial skin. It’s just a natural oil our bodies produce like when we’re stressed or if the weather is humid.

Even though these body oils are natural, they are troubling to deal with. The more oily your skin is, the the more pores open up, and you are likely to develop acne. Your face appears too shiny at times and you have to keep re-applying makeup. However, there are solutions to not having to deal with oily skin.

Here are 6 natural ways to reduce oily facial skin!

1) Wash your face with cool water.

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This seems very simple, but make sure you wash your skin at room temperature water! Make sure the water is not too cold and not too hot, because those temperatures of water may dry your skin and make you skin more oily later on in the day. Wash your face twice a day with cool water, once in the morning and once at night.

2) Rub your face with lemon juice.

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Lemon juice does a great job at removing excess oil from your facial skin, which closes your pores and gives you much better looking skin! Mix warm water with lemon juice in a cup, and using a cotton ball, dip it in to the mix and apply that on your face. Let it sit on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off.

3) Rub your face with tomato juice.

Tomato juice is really good for closing your skin pores and removing excess oil. Like how you would apply lemon juice on your face in the example above, tomato juice is the same way. Mix tomato juice with warm water and rub it on you face.

4) Apply Aloe Vera daily.

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Aloe Vera is a popular remedy for oily skin, and for right reason! It does one of the best jobs of removing excess oil from your skin. After you wash your face, you should apply a layer of Aloe Vera gel on your face. Do this twice a day.

5) Eat many fruits and vegetables, and drink water.

A change in your diet is a great way to reduce oily facial skin overall. Drinking a lot of water also re-hydrates the body, which reduces how much your body produces natural oils. The best types of fruits and vegetables to eat are apples, bananas, broccoli, and cucumbers.

6) Rub cucumbers on your face. 

Yes, not only should you eat cucumbers, but you should also rub their juices on your face! Slice a cucumber into many pieces and rub them gently on your face. Leave the juices on your skin for 15 minutes, then wash off your face.

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