Woman moves into tiny cabin on off-grid isolated island and shares how she ‘makes it work’
She decides to keep herself off the radar of the city life.
Michael Dabu

What is off-grid living?

According to Off Grid World, living off the grid is about living in a way that’s good for the planet and using energy that keeps coming back.

Some folks see it as going back to basics, saying no to technology, and being free from a system they don’t like. Not many people do this extreme version of living off the grid.

Others do it to be ready for emergencies and keep their families safe. They think it’s important to be prepared for bad things that might happen, like a power cut or a natural disaster.

Some call it prepping or survival, and some take it super seriously, making sure they have enough stuff to take care of their families even in tough times.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

But for most people, it’s just about living in a way that’s good for the planet. It’s about using fewer resources than you make and being kind to the Earth.

It’s not just about getting off the electricity grid, but also making your own energy, growing your own food, and living in a way that’s eco-friendly.

Living sustainably means using resources that can be replaced as fast as you use them. It’s about finding a balance so that you’re not taking more from the Earth than you’re giving back.

These things are exactly what this amazing woman found.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Amanda has embraced off-grid living in a cabin that’s nestled on an island in Northern British Columbia.

There, she serves as the caretaker of the property.

Over the past two years, she has found solace in the isolation and tranquility of her surroundings.

As the sole full-time resident on the island, Amanda revels in the serene atmosphere, undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of urban life.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

While the property owners visit sporadically during the summer months, Amanda spends the entirety of the winter season alone. She’s learned to embrace the cool climate and occasional snowfall.

Living alone in the middle of nature’s beauty comes with both advantages and challenges.

To name a few, Amanda experiences frequent windstorms and encounters with various wildlife such as bears, cougars, and deer.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Despite these occasional dangers, Amanda remains vigilant and keeps herself equipped with bear spray and a cautious awareness of her surroundings.

A one-woman army of a hardworking individual.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

She diligently tends to her responsibilities, from splitting wood for the property’s wood stoves to maintaining the greenhouse and ensuring the property’s energy needs are met.

In addition to her caretaking duties, Amanda balances her remote work as a freelance web designer and utilizes satellite internet for communication with clients primarily based in the United States.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Her cozy cabin doubles as her workspace and it provides a comfortable environment for both work and relaxation.

Amanda’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the property’s recent transition to solar power.

Her way of living significantly reduced her reliance on diesel generators, especially during the summer months.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Despite the occasional longing for her previous life aboard her sailboat, Amanda is content with her current lifestyle. She reflects on her journey from urban living to off-grid solitude.

She fairly acknowledges that the simplicity and self-sufficiency of her current lifestyle bring her genuine happiness.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

With plans to explore more of the surrounding area in the coming summer months, Amanda envisions herself continuing to embrace the tranquility of island life for years to come.

Overall, she’s beyond grateful for the lessons it has taught her about fulfillment and contentment.

Learn more about Amanda and what it’s like to live off-grid by watching the video below!

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