Crafts & DIY
15 Ways To Upcycle Old Towels
There are other alternatives for these worn out towels aside from turning them into rags or tossing them out.
D.G. Sciortino

Towels can get worn out pretty quickly from getting washed all the time, especially if you buy the cheap ones. But there are other alternatives for these worn out towels aside from turning them into rags or tossing them out.

Here are 15 ways to upcycle towels:

1) Make A Pet Bed

Make a cozy space for your pet to relax on by sewing two towels together. You can find a tutorial on how to make one here.

diy towel ideas and crafts


2) Make a Bath Mat

Your old towels will make the perfect bath mat. Learn how to make one by watching the video below.


3) Make A Watch Band

Need a new watch band? Make one out of your old towels. You’ll find the tutorial here.

diy towel ideas and crafts
Michele Made Me
Michele Made Me

4) Slippers

Want some super cozy slippers? Grab a pair of flip flops and sandals and cover them with pieces of a towel. Get the full set of directions here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - slippers

Crafty Nest
Crafty Nest

5) Dish Towel

Turn your old bath towels into pretty kitchen towels with a few stitches and some embellishments. Learn how to make one here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - dish rag
Pin. Sew. Press.
Pin. Sew. Press.

6) Bath Pouf

Make a bath pouf that you can easily toss in the washing machine from old towels. Get the tutorial on how to make it here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - bathroom pouf
Ruffles and Stuff
Ruffles and Stuff

7) Caddy

Need a little organization in your life? Turn an old bath towel into a hanging caddy. These are great to use in damp bathrooms because you can just toss it in the washing machine or handwash it if it starts to smell mildewy. Learn how to make this cloth caddy here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - caddy
Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart

8) Beach Bag

Terry cloth also makes a great fabric for a beach bag and you can easily turn your towel into one. You can find the directions on how to make one here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - beach bag

9) Pillows

Towels also make super cozy pillows. Just stitch a few towel pieces together and fill it with stuffing.

diy towel ideas and crafts - pillow

Mother Earth Living
Mother Earth Living

10) Swifter Pad

Don’t buy expensive disposable Swifter pads. Use a small towel or piece of a towel on your Swifter instead. You can put them in the washing machine and use them over and over again.

diy towel ideas and crafts - swiffer pad
Healthy Tipping Point
Healthy Tipping Point

11) Stuffed Animal

You can make adorable stuffed animals from towels, like these little teddy bears. They are perfect for babies because they are super soft and can also be easily washed. Learn how to make one by watching the video below.

12) Towel Wrap

Keep your bath towel in place by making a spa towel wrap. All you need is an old towel and a some Velcro. Get the details in the video below.


13) Bibs

Instead of buying baby bibs you can upcycle towels and make your own. You can find the directions on how to make them here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - bibs
Bloesem Kids
Bloesem Kids

14) Pot Holders

Your old towels can also be transformed into some pot holders. Get the instructions here.

diy towel ideas and crafts - pot holder

Learn How To Make Them Here
Learn How To Make Them Here

15) Cover A Chair

diy towel ideas and crafts - chair cover

Use a towel to change the look of a chair and give you some cushioning.

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