Sleep is important for our health and well-being. During sleep, the body is able to repair itself. It keeps the heart healthy and improves memory. Getting enough sleep is also helpful in losing weight and reducing stress.
Now, although sleep is important, it doesn’t mean that anyone can sleep anywhere he wants. It’s unsafe. Apart from that, sleeping in public also doesn’t allow the body to rest properly. It’s quite embarrassing, too.
If you’re having a hard time believing that, check out these 52 people who clearly don’t know the shame that comes with sleeping in public.
This guy has it all figured out. He made an eye mask/head holder from his coat sleeves. He also has his bag secured.
This guy really needs to be careful. He could loose a tooth if he wakes up too fast. I hope he didn’t hurt himself.
3. Holding on for Dear Life
This guy is holding on to his seat (and nap) for dear life. He is gripping that train seat. He does not care about how far his butt is sticking out.
This lady is getting her beauty rest. But it doesn’t look that beautiful right now. In fact, she’s looking a bit overextended.
This lady nose dived into her slumber. She must be out cold because that does not look comfortable. She is completely supported by her nose right now.
This guy is the creator of the insta-nap. He just grabbed a net and hung it up at the first place he could find. He even got shade.
Now this nap takes skill to pull off. This guy is perfectly balanced. It looks painful though.
Here we have nap desk. A desk that comes with a designated space for napping. This employee is taking full advantage of her nap desk.
Apparently naptime was right now. I’m not sure how this little cutie is balancing. How is he not slumped over?
This guy is all boxed in. He’s using his new box house to hide. Hide and take a nap.
Dude looks like he’s wearing a diaper. The guy next to him doesn’t look too happy to be sitting next to a guy in a diaper. Looks like he’s just going to have to accept that some people wear diapers. Even grown men.
Now, come on. That ain’t right.. Funny but that ain’t right. Who booked this girl?
Look at this gorgeous beauty. She is just so stunning. Being human and herself… so pretty.
This guy is going up. And he’s napping on the way. Maybe he’ll wake up when he gets to the top.
What’s this guy’s problem? He never seen an open mouth nap before. Let this woman open mouth nap in peace. I’m talking about the guy taking this photo.
This guy was having a snack. Then he passed out. He passed out mid-chomp.
Err merr gasshhhh. Is this not the sweetest nap you’ve ever seen. Grammy and grandson love/snoozefest.
This woman folded in on herself. That’s how she takes naps. Maybe there is something restorative about folded over napping and that’s why she’s sleeping like this.
This desk looks like it was made for under the desk sleeping. He is perfectly and compact and nudged under that table. And loving it.
This lady has it made. She has her very own boob pillow. She has a cozy sleep wherever she is. She just needs to lay her head in her boob pillow.
What should you do when you want to hide from your wife? You go nap with this cows. This cow ain’t mad at him.
Apparently, meeting the President wasn’t that interesting to this little kid. Got to love the honesty of children. President Barack Obama didn’t seem to be offended.
Have you ever stepped on a Lego? Then you know how painful it is. This kid is faceplanted into his Legos. He must be immortal.
This guy is ultra deep in his nap. He’s defintely in a REM cycle. How else would be not wake up with all those people posing around him?
How the heck did this guy pull this off? Did he actively decide to climb up there to nap? It looks like someone lifted him up and placed him there.
Damn, this guy is just TOO comfortable. It’s one thing to accidentally have your hands in your pants like you’re napping at home. But this guy unbuttoned AND unzipped himself in public. Damn…
27. Perfect Pillow Part 3
Here we have another being taking advantage of some bosoms. They just make the most comfy pillows. He looks very comforted.
This guy looks like he’s in heaven. He is sleeping like a baby right now. That’s because he has the perfect pillow.
This guy looks like a puzzle piece. One that perfectly fits into this seat. A sleeping puzzle piece.
This guy looks pretty serene. He’s perfectly balanced on these stones. Who doesn’t love a nap near water?
Chrissy Teigen is all of us when it comes to real people watching award shows. Maybe one day award shows for people changing the world for the better will be as popular as award shows for people in movies. Until then, Chrissy Teigen might nap through them.
Is Kurt Russel getting his hair done? Or is he taking a nap? Looks like he’s taking a superhero nap.
33. The Face of Parenting
This picture couldn’t be more accurate. This is the face of parenting. If you look up parenting in the encylopedia, this is the picture that you should see.
Is this guy OK? How is this even possible? He looks like he might be seriously injured.
This lady is sleeping on Jesus. That’s OK though. He’ll forgive her.
This kid just fell over on her bike. Instead of crying she just decided she would go would the flow. Ease into her fall with a nap. Smart kid.
This guy was hoping to absorb as much knowledge as he could at once. So he’s sleeping in the library. It could work… you never know!
38. Hammock Nap
Hammock naps are great. Who doesn’t want to sway in the breeze while napping? This guy does.
This guy is brilliant. He found a way to create the illusion of security. All while taking a nap.
Here we have a sink slumber. It actually makes sense is you’ve been vomitous. It’s likely this guy was. Or will be when he wakes up.
Is that Tom Hanks? It looks like Tom Hanks. And sleeping Tom Hanks looks like a beautiful baby precious sweet magical angel when he’s sleeping.
This kid is in Happy Sleep Land. That’s because he’s napping with his Pokémon. It’s the best way to nap.
Who needs chairs? Not this guy. He don’t need a chair.
This guy is falling. He has a perfectly comfortable seat. In fact, two. But he jus slumped down mid-nap.
This guy is taking an upside down nap. It can’t be that comfortable. Still, he looks more comfortable than the other people sleeping in his row.
How is this guy sleeping? There are so many birds. It’s got to be loud.
This guy was bored at the party. Probably not, he just partied too hard. So hard that all he had to do was lower his head to pass out.
You’d think this guy would take a nap in one of the seats. But he’s the bus driver. He’s knows the best spot on the bus.
Now this is a very creative nap. Most people use this plastic temporary fence to keep people out. This guy used it to keep himself in…. in a comfy state of slumber.
50. Knowing How to Nap in Public
This guy really knows how to nap in public. He’s got a pillow and eye mask. He also has that “I’m napping in public and dgaf” stance. Good for him.
Working 8 hours a day isn’t easy. You’ll experience fatigue and too much stress from time to time. If you are feeling severe exhaustion, it’s better to ask for some days off than sleep while you’re at work. Your bed is way more comfortable than your a store’s shelves.
Poor guy. It’s hard to say if he was too drunk or too sleepy in this picture. He didn’t make it out of the bathroom before falling asleep.
Sleep is important for our health and well-being. During sleep, the body is able to repair itself. It keeps the heart healthy and improves memory. Getting enough sleep is also helpful in losing weight and reducing stress.
Now, although sleep is important, it doesn’t mean that anyone can sleep anywhere he wants. It’s unsafe. Apart from that, sleeping in public also doesn’t allow the body to rest properly. It’s quite embarrassing, too.
If you’re having a hard time believing that, check out these 52 people who clearly don’t know the shame that comes with sleeping in public.