Winter is here and it can take a toll on your car if you don’t take some precautionary measures.
Here are some tips to prepare your car for the frigid temperatures that will ensure that your car stays in tip-top condition and that you stay safe.
Change Your Oil
You’ll want the oil in your engine to be thinner when the weather is colder out. This means you’ll want to choose an oil with a higher viscosity which is indicated by a lower number so a 5W-30 oil is better than a 10W-30 oil in the winter.
It could be extremely dangerous if your car breaks down on a cold winter day. You could end up freezing to death whereas on a warm day you’d just have to wait around until someone comes to help you.
Here are some things you’ll want to have in your winter safety kit:
flashlight and extra batteries
road flares or reflective triangles
first-aid kit
blankets-change of warm clothes
a few pairs of gloves and hats
charged cell phone for 911 calls
bag of sand, salt melt, salt, or kitty litter for traction
You usually have your wiper fluid filled during oil changes but some places can water theirs down. This will cause it to freeze on your windshield in the winter. So, you’ll want to make sure you switch out your windshield wiper fluid with one specifically made to de-ice your windshield and prevent freezing.
Antifreeze is what prevents your engine from freezing up. You can completely destroy your engine if you attempt to drive it while it’s frozen. It is crucial to that you check your antifreeze level to make sure you have enough in your car before the winter season. You’ll also want to make sure that it isn’t leaking out.
You’ll definitely want to switch out your regular tires for some snow/winter tires. These tires will keep you safe in the winter by giving you better traction in freezing temperatures and ice, snow, and slush. These tires have softer rubber which keeps your tire more flexible and allows them to conform to the road easier.
Make Sure You Have Adequate Tire Pressure and Tread Depth
Even if you have winter tires, they won’t do you much good without having proper tire pressure or tread depth. Have proper air pressure and tread depth will make sure your tires can properly grip the road and give you the traction you need to stay safe.
Cold weather can reduce your battery’s capacity. So, you’ll want to inspect your battery, its cables, terminal, and fluid so that your battery doesn’t conk out on you in the cold.
You can break your key off in the lock if you try to force it when it freezes over. Get some glycerine or de-icer and keep it at your home and office or in your purse in case your locks freeze up.
Driving in winter weather is a lot different than driving in nice weather and knowing how can save your life. Learn everything you need to know about driving in the icy and snowy weather here.
Before you brave the winter weather, you’ll also want a professional to check on the following parts of your car to make sure they are in working order: