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Pros And Cons Of Drinking Warm Or Cold Water
Maintain a healthy body by following these pros and cons of drinking warm vs. cold water!
Cheryl Knight

Doctors recommend you drink 64 ounces of water every day to improve your health. But did you know the temperature of the water can affect you in different ways? Check out the following pros and cons of drinking warm versus cold water.

Pros and Cons of Drinking Cold Water

Many people prefer cold water. Cold water seems like the perfect refreshing drink you need following exercise or when you get thirsty on a hot day. The bigger question is: What does drinking cold water mean for your body?


Cold Water Prevents Heat Stroke

Cold water helps prevent heat stroke. The lower temperature of cold water in comparison to that of your body when overheated can help drop your body temperature quickly.


Cold Water Can Cause You to Get Sick

Cold water can make you sick. It does this by causing the mucus in your body to increase and expand. The result, a lowered immune system, making you more apt to get sick.

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Cold Water Can Make You Weaker

Cold water can drain your strength by causing your body to put out extra energy to warm your body up after drinking a glass of cold water. This could leave you feeling exhausted or lethargic.

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Cold Water Can Cause an Upset Stomach

Cold water can upset your stomach by causing your blood vessels to shrink. This hinders your body’s ability to digest food correctly, leading to an upset stomach or even constipation. This is especially true when eating a meal because the cold water slows the digestion process.


Cold Water Can Cause Heart Rate to Drop

Cold water can lower the heart rate in your body. This is due to the stimulation the cold water exerts on your vagus nerve, an important part of your body’s nervous system.

Pros and Cons of Drinking Warm Water

You might think water is water; however, that might not always be the case. Water in general is good for you, but there some actual pros for drinking warm water as opposed to drinking cold water. What are the beneficial side effects of drinking warm water?

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Canadian Chiropractic Association

Warm Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Warm water helps you lose weight by activating your metabolism. In addition, the heat that the warm water creates in your body helps it burn calories as your body tries to compensate for the increase in temperature. Avoid drinking warm water following exercise, though, because cold water is more effective in lowering your body’s temperature.

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Reader's Digest

Warm Water Can Help Relieve Muscle Cramps and Pain

Warm water helps relieve pain. It does so by increasing your circulation. Drinking warm water can also help your muscles relax and is useful in treating cramps.

Warm Water Can Help Remove Toxins From Your Body

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Elephant Journal

Warm water can help flush toxins from your body. For even more benefits, add a slice of lemon. The vitamin C in the lemon can also help remove toxins from your body.

Warm Water Can Help Improve Bowel Movements

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Warm water helps with digestion. Not only does it keep you properly hydrated, warm water has also been shown to improve bowel movements more effectively than cold water. The increased circulation that warm water helps facilitate ensures that your cells receive the nutrients they need.

In general, drinking plenty of water every day can help keep you healthy and hydrated. Just make sure to keep in mind the pros and cons of drinking warm versus cold water.

Source: Bright Side
