Man’s homespun recipe for “no stink” spray he got from grandpa earns praise for effectiveness
His grandfather used to use it for everything. Even the skunks.
Jessica Adler

Ah, the age-old battle against unpleasant odors.

Whether it’s the lingering scent of last night’s fish dinner, the pungent aroma of gym shoes, or the unmistakable stench of a skunk’s spray, we’ve all been there.

But for those who follow the YouTube channel M.B.J. DIY, solutions to life’s little challenges are just a click away.

The video creator behind the channel offers a treasure trove of how-to videos for virtually anything that life might throw your way.

One such gem? A time-tested remedy for pesky odors, passed down from his grandfather.

Pexels - Ron Lach
Pexels - Ron Lach

He begins by sharing the story of a challenge he faced.

The challenge was cleaning out a large shed that had been home to a skunk and her babies, as well as several cats.

The combination of skunk spray and cat urine had created an olfactory nightmare.

Traditional cleaning methods, like vinegar and baking soda, just weren’t cutting it. It was time to pull out the big guns.

Enter his grandfather’s secret weapon: a potent mix that promises to neutralize even the most persistent odors.

The magic concoction? A blend of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and a dash of dishwashing soap.

Simple, yet incredibly effective.

And here’s a pro tip: if you’re using a bottle to store this mix, be sure to loosen the spray cap.

The mixture can produce pressure when shaken, so it’s essential to let it breathe.

Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch
Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch

The process is straightforward.

Start with a quart of hydrogen peroxide, preferably the 3% grade commonly found in stores like COSTCO.

Next, add a quarter cup of baking soda. This common household item is a powerhouse when it comes to absorbing and neutralizing odors.

To this mixture, add a teaspoon of dishwashing soap. This not only helps to break down any grease or residue but also adds a pleasant, clean scent to the mix.

Once the ingredients are combined, it’s time to get to work.

He recommends using gloves and arming oneself with both a rag and a scrub brush.

The scrub brush, in particular, is handy for tackling those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

And if you’re dealing with larger jobs, like mopping an entire floor, simply multiply the batch as needed.

Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch
Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch

The beauty of this mixture is its versatility. It’s not just for skunk spray and cat urine.

He even shares a personal anecdote of using it to freshen up his son’s car, proving its efficacy on a range of surfaces and materials.

Pexels - Khunkorn Laowisit
Pexels - Khunkorn Laowisit

But what about carpets? Well, there’s a word of caution here.

While the mixture is generally safe, it’s essential to test it on an inconspicuous spot first.

Some carpets can be sensitive, and while household hydrogen peroxide is typically diluted to a 3% grade, there’s a risk it might bleach certain dyes.

However, for him, the solution left only a light residue of baking soda, easily wiped away with a dry rag.

Pexels - Rodrigo Souza
Pexels - Rodrigo Souza

The results speak for themselves.

After treating the shed with his grandfather’s special mix, the overpowering stench of skunk and cat urine was replaced with a fresh, clean scent.

The shed, once a source of dread, was now a pleasant, odor-free space.

And for those extra stubborn odors, a final cleaning with a diluted bleach solution for tiles or floors can seal the deal.

Pexels - Barnabas Davoti
Pexels - Barnabas Davoti

So, the next time you’re faced with an unpleasant odor that just won’t quit, remember this story from M.B.J. DIY.

With a few simple ingredients and a little elbow grease, you too can conquer even the most stubborn stenches.

After all, if it’s good enough for skunks and works for him, it’s good enough for us.

See how simple it is to banish unwanted smells from your life with this quick recipe below!

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