Let’s face it—counting sheep doesn’t always work. After spending night after night tossing and turning, working on countless ways to get your brain to shut up and let you rest, some turn to over-the-counter sleep aids that knock you out and leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Instead of becoming dependent on depressants to help you get a good night’s sleep, try these natural methods of putting insomnia to rest.

Cherry Juice
Cherry juice is naturally high in melatonin, a hormone that naturally occurs in your body and regulates sleep. Many people turn to alcoholic beverages to fall asleep, but alcohol actually disturbs sleep cycles, causing lighter, more fitful sleep. Plus, that buzz wears off and could have you waking up before you’re ready. Try a glass of cherry juice as a nightcap instead.
If you’re allergic to cherries or just don’t like the taste, melatonin is also available in supplement form. Some people who have trouble sleeping are suffering from a hormone imbalance. If your body is not creating enough melatonin, it may be harder to get to sleep than normal. You can find melatonin at your local health food or vitamin shop.
A lack of magnesium can prevent the brain from relaxing and turning off at bedtime. No need to reach for magnesium in supplement form, as you can find magnesium in many foods. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, and replace some of your normal snacking habits with almonds or pumpkin seeds to make sure you’re getting enough magnesium.

Dilute lavender with water, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and mist your pillow with the fragrance before bedtime. You can also mix a few drops with a carrier oil and get a nice lavender massage before rest.
Valerian Root
Valerian root has been used as a sleep aid since ancient times. While it can take up to a few weeks to start working, valerian root in supplement form can be a powerful sedative and natural sleep aid.
Beer drinkers of the world can attest as to the sedative power of hops, but alcohol is not good for sleep. Hops, however, can be found as an extract in supplement form at your local health shop or vitamin store. Start small, as its effects can be quite powerful, but take anywhere from 40 to 120 milligrams before bed.
Passionflower Tea
While chamomile has long been touted as “the” sleepytime tea, one cup of passionflower tea might just do the trick and solve your sheep-counting woes. In a recent Australian study, a cup of passionflower tea was proven to improve sleep quality in test subjects more than those who took a placebo.

A good night’s sleep is important to make sure you are at your best each day. So stop counting sheep and take some real steps to get a better night’s rest. These seven remedies will have you snoozing in no time.
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[Source: Everydayhealth, Health, Reader’s Digest, WebMD]