Crafts & DIY
Important Safety Tips For Women To Know
Jenny Brown

As my mother always told me, “it’s always better safe than sorry.” There’s nothing that you should prioritize over the safety of yourself or others. While there may be opportunities or moments where we are forced to risk things, it’s still important to be aware of your own personal safety. After all, you only get one shot at life, so don’t risk it all on one specific chance.

It’s especially important to be cognizant of your own safety if you are a woman. Unfortunately, the world we live is has created more dangers for woman, and the video below highlights a few important safety tips to know.

First, never place your purse in the front of your shopping cart. This is a common mistake, and thieves can quickly snatch-and-go. If this were to happen, the thief would gain possession of all your credit cards and your identity thanks to your driver’s license and other personal items.

Another important tip is to keep your mirrors pointed downwards when you drive into your garage so you can see if anyone is by the tires. After making your way into the garage, always watch your garage close and ensure that it’s locked before going inside.

There are a few other tips presented in the video so be sure to watch and pay attention.

Please SHARE these important safety tips with your friends and family. It’s better safe than sorry!

[Source: FOX 4 Now]
