Crafts & DIY
5 Genius Laundry Hacks For Common Problems
Un-shrink your clothes and have crisp collars with these awesome hacks!
Cheryl Knight

Dealing with last-minute laundry issues can be frustrating and annoying. But it can also be disruptive when you need to get out the door to go to work or run an important errand. From dealing with wrinkled clothes, to battling an unruly collar, to fixing clothes after you accidentally shrink them, these genius laundry hacks will have you breathing a sigh of relief.

Use a Flat Iron on Unwieldy Collars


Collared shirts pose an ever-present problem: collars that are creased or unmanageable. And dragging out the iron every time you want to wear your favorite collared shirt is annoying and time-consuming. So instead of ironing, grab your flat iron to give your collars a quick refresher. Flat irons heat up quickly, are small, and are easy to use.

Use a Tide to Go Pen on Stains


Spilling food or drink on your clothes happens at the worst possible times. And the best solution to keep a stain from setting into your clothing is to wash it immediately. But if you’re out and about or on your way out the door, try using a Tide to Go Pen. The pen is small, so it can fit in your purse or pocket. Plus, it’s easy to use and immediately effective on minimizing most stains.


Just press the pen’s tip on the stain to activate its cleaning solution. Next, rub it into the stain. You should still treat and wash the stain once you get home, but this on-the-fly stain removal solution should do the trick in the short term.

Get Rid of Wrinkles Quickly Using Steam


When you need to get rid of wrinkles quickly, plugging up the iron will take too much time. Instead, use the steam setting on your dryer. Just toss in your wrinkled clothes into the dryer, turn on the dryer steam setting for about 10 minutes, and you’ll be able to get ready and out of the house in wrinkle-free clothes much quicker.


If you don’t have a steam setting on your dryer, try this: Put your wrinkled clothes in the dryer, add a damp washcloth, and run the dryer for about 15 minutes.

Use White Vinegar for Fresher-Smelling Clothes


Have a blouse or pair of pants that you want to wear but they don’t smell very fresh? No worries. You can use white vinegar to quickly freshen up your clothes and get rid of less-than-pleasant odors. Just spray white vinegar liberally on the clothing you want to refresh, place it in the dryer for five minutes (or until it’s dry), and you’ll be ready to wear fresh-smelling clothing without any vinegar smell.

Unshrink Your Clothes by Doing This!

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One Good Thing By Jillee
One Good Thing By Jillee

If you accidentally shrunk your favorite outfit, don’t sink into a deep depression just yet. You can actually undo your mistake by using a three-step process that involves “soaking, absorbing, and reshaping.” This tutorial by One Good Thing By Jillee explains the process in detail.

The bottom line: If you run into a laundry catastrophe, don’t worry. The above five hacks will help you quickly freshen up your favorite clothes so you don’t have to spend hours doing a load of laundry when you actually need to get out on the road.

Source: One Good Thing by Jillee
