Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, you have to admit that the possibility of existing beyond the physical world is fascinating. We can argue about life after death all we want, but we’re pretty sure you’ve had some unexplainable moments in your house.

That weird tingling feeling, sudden drops in temperature, or odd sounds in the middle of the night may all point to signs of an entity living with you. There are things that go bump in the night.

So how can you tell for sure? Read on. Then look over your shoulder.

Your sensitive friends won’t visit

We all have that one friend whose vibe check powers seemingly border on the supernatural. Maybe a mutual friend is bad news for them when everyone thinks they’re hilarious, or perhaps they have the ability to know a couple broken up just by looking at them from across the room.

This friend may have excellent ghost sense if they’re complaining that your house has weird energy and needs to be cleansed using a bundle of rosemary or that it’s cold even when you’ve got the heating on.

Your friend may be unconsciously picking up on a houseguest visiting from beyond the grave.