Single mom shows how losing apartment was a “blessing in disguise” with tiny house tour
The total cost of the tiny house was only $128K and that includes site preparation.
Michael Dabu

Simplicity and intentional living are becoming increasingly valued and when it comes to single parenting, that value skyrockets even more.

Kat is a single mom who understands this concept fully.

So, she and her daughter Remy made a bold move- to embrace the tiny house lifestyle with open arms and calculating eyes.

This decision was influenced by the challenging rental market in Brisbane, pushing them to seek a more sustainable and intentional way of life.

Their journey into tiny living is beautifully showcased in a video that captures their transition and the thoughtful design of their new home.

The video highlights their creative solutions and commitment to a minimalist lifestyle.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Nestled in a picturesque location, Kat’s tiny house blends seamlessly into its natural surroundings.

The home features pale eucalyptus cladding and timber accents, which help it integrate with the environment.

This serene setting, surrounded by nature, offers stunning views and a peaceful atmosphere, creating a perfect retreat for Kat and Remy.

The harmonious design allows them to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of their surroundings every day.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

The tiny house, designed from scratch by Kat, is proof of thoughtful and practical design. Measuring 8.4 meters long, 2.5 meters wide, and 4.3 meters high, the home includes large windows that maximize natural light and offer breathtaking views.

This design choice not only enhances the interior’s spacious feel but also reduces the need for artificial lighting during the day, promoting energy efficiency.

Kat’s background as a graphic designer is evident in the home’s stylish and functional layout.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Sustainability is a core principle in Kat’s tiny house lifestyle. She collects rainwater and plans to install solar panels to live off the grid.

Currently, the house is connected to the main house for electricity, but Kat’s goal is to achieve full self-sufficiency.

These efforts reflect her commitment to reducing their environmental footprint and embracing a more sustainable way of living.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

The house is designed with family in mind, accommodating Kat, her daughter Remy, and their dog, Summer.

The outdoor area features a fire pit made from repurposed tree chunks and a playground for Remy, encouraging outdoor play and interaction with nature.

Inside, the home is light and spacious, featuring a full-size kitchen, ample storage, and a large bathroom.

The cozy lofts serve as bedrooms for Kat and Remy, each with plenty of storage to ensure efficient use of space.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Kat’s tiny house is filled with personal touches that add character and warmth. Unique elements like a macrame safety gate, a large helmet shell, and a retro radio reflect Kat’s creative flair and attention to detail.

These touches make the house feel like a home, showcasing Kat’s personality and design skills.

The interior is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, demonstrating that small spaces can be beautiful and practical.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Living in a tiny house has allowed Kat and Remy to become more self-sufficient and embrace a balanced, relaxed lifestyle.

They grow their own food, which promotes sustainability and provides fresh, organic produce.

This lifestyle shift has enabled them to enjoy more quality time together and engage in activities that foster a deeper connection with nature.

The tiny house has become a sanctuary where they can live intentionally and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Financial stability is another significant benefit of the tiny house lifestyle.

The total cost of the tiny house was approximately $128,000, including site preparation.

Kat views this investment as rent in advance, ensuring a secure spot for their home.

This financial strategy has provided them with stability and freedom from the high costs of city living.

As one viewer noted, “For me, it’s about being able to own my own home without having to save for half of my life, instead of lining the pockets of landlords with rent or banks with a mortgage.”

YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House
YouTube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Looking ahead, Kat plans to add a deck around the house and install solar panels to further enhance their off-grid living experience.

This will not only increase their self-sufficiency but also provide additional outdoor space for relaxation and enjoyment.

The future looks bright for Kat and Remy as they continue to embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes simplicity, sustainability, and intentional living.

As viewers have commented, “She doesn’t stop smiling… it is so refreshing to see a person giving such calm vibes,” and “This is one of the most beautiful tiny homes I’ve seen on this channel.”

Their story is an inspiring example of how intentional living can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Take a tour of Kat’s affordably dreamy tiny home outside the city below!

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