Crafts & DIY
Former soldier gets 1.3M views showing “proper way” to Ranger Roll a T-shirt
He’s sharing things he learned in the service that are still helping him today.
Jessica Adler

We’ve all been there- staring into a messy suitcase, trying to figure out the best way to pack our clothes without taking up too much space or wrinkling them.

Enter the “ranger roll.”

This is a packing technique that not only saves space but also keeps your clothes in pristine condition.

This method, popularized by soldiers, is a testament to the efficiency and practicality they bring to everyday tasks.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

The process begins with laying out the T-shirt flat on a surface, ensuring it’s neatly spread with the front facing upwards.

The importance of this step cannot be overstated. A well-laid foundation ensures the success of the roll.

It’s akin to setting the stage for a performance, where every detail matters.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

Next, a longer fold is made at the bottom of the shirt.

In practice, about three folds of similar size are made. This step is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of the process.

It’s like prepping the canvas before a painting, ensuring that the subsequent strokes fall perfectly in place.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

The shirt is then folded horizontally, and it’s essential to check both the front and back to ensure a neat fold.

This meticulousness might seem excessive, but it’s what guarantees a wrinkle-free result.

It’s the attention to detail that transforms a mundane task into an art form.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

Moving on, the shirt’s sides are folded inwards, roughly a third of the way towards the collar.

The sleeves are then folded back onto themselves, ensuring they align perfectly with the shirt’s edges.

This step is reminiscent of origami, where precision and symmetry are paramount.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

With the preparatory folds in place, the rolling begins.

Starting from the collar, the shirt is tightly rolled downwards.

The emphasis on a “tight roll” is what ensures the compactness of the final product. It’s a dance of fingers and fabric, where every movement counts.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

As the roll nears completion, there’s a crucial point to note.

One must avoid rolling inside the initial bottom fold. Instead, the roll should go over it, leading to a neat cylindrical shape.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

The final touch involves using the flap created by the initial bottom fold to secure the roll.

It’s gently pulled over the rolled shirt, holding everything in place.

The result? A perfectly ranger-rolled T-shirt, compact and wrinkle-free, ready to be packed or stored.

YouTube - JumperActual
YouTube - JumperActual

The ranger roll technique is a work of the ingenuity and practicality that soldiers bring to even the most mundane tasks.

See how simple it is to properly Ranger Roll a T-shirt in the video below!

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