Crafts & DIY
Expert DIYer shares 18 nifty cleaning tips that will ensure your house is spotless
D.G. Sciortino

With spring about a week away, it’s time to start cleaning. If you’re one of those who dreads the task of spring cleaning, you’re probably looking for ways to ease the pain of the job. There are lots of tricks to help make your spring cleaning easier and you don’t have to search the internet net to find them.

We already did that for you! Here are 18 spring cleaning hacks that will make the job much easier on you.

Clean the Toilet With Cola

Cola is great for getting your toilet sparkling clean. Here are the details.

Cinnamon to Make Your Carpet Smell Fresh

Sprinkle some cinnamon on your carpet, then immediately vacuum it up to keep your carpet smelling fresh. We suggest doing a test on a little part of your carpet first, especially if you have a light colored carpet.

Lint Roll Your Lamp Shades

Lint rollers are a great way to get the dust off of your lamp shades.

Lemon for Water Stains

Rub a lemon on your fixtures to remove water stains.


Olive Oil on Stainless Steel

Drip some olive oil on a clean cloth and use it to wipe down your stainless steel appliances for a beautiful shine and to remove grubby fingerprints.

Rubber Gloves For Pet Hair

Wipe your rubber glove over a surface to get rid of pet hair.

Baking Soda to Refresh Your Mattress

Sprinkle some baking soda on top of your mattress and let it sit for one to eight hours before vacuuming it up.


Daily Mail
Daily Mail

Get a Magic Eraser

This incredible tool can remove stubborn stains, scuffs, and even nail polish. Do yourself a favor and get one.

Squeegee Hair Off

A squeegee is another great method for removing pair hair off your furniture and carpets.

Use Dish Washing Machine Tablet for Washing Machine

Toss a dish washing tablet into your washing machine and run the empty washing machine to get rid of bacteria and limescale.


Coarse Salt for Cast Iron

Use coarse salt to get caked on grime off of your cast iron pans.

Towel and a Broom to Dust

Wrap a towel around the top of your broom head and secure it with a rubber band. Use it to clean and dust hard to reach places.

Clean Screen With Coffee Filter

Use a coffee filter to screen dirty TV and computer screens.

Tension Rod to Organize Cleaning Products

Place a tension rod underneath your sink and hang your cleaning products from it to save space and organize your products.

Ms Not So Perfect
Ms Not So Perfect

Baking Soda Over Cleaner

Put baking soda and water in a spray bottle and use the mixture to clean your oven.

Hanger Trick to Find Clothes to Donate

Hang all your clothes so that the hangers are facing backward. When you wear something, turn the hanger around. If you still have backward facing hangers after a year… get rid of it!

Clean Your Sponge in the Microwave

Sanitize your sponges by soaking them in the water and putting them in the microwave for one minute. this will kill all the bacteria in the sponge.

Vacuum Seal Bags

Ever After Guide
Ever After Guide

Use vacuum seal bags to store away your winter items and save space.

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