If you’re a fan of DIY projects, you know that wooden pallets are extremely popular. Although these objects are normally thrown away after being used in transporting large cargoes, YouTube user kipkay decided to reuse them and get creative. He flipped these wooden pieces and turned them into something of great use.
For this project, he used the following materials:
- 2 wooden pallets
- Screws
- Rope
- 3 pcs. 8-foot 2×4 wood

When all was set, he cleaned the pallets, being sure to remove any nails that were protruding.
Next, he cut the pallet into his desired size.
Then, he added the 3 pcs. 2x4s in the middle, specifically in both sides and in the center, and secured them with screws.

He also drilled holes in the end of the beams to have space to tie off the rope.
Finally, he tied it over a tree in his backyard.
To make it very comfortable, he added a mattress! Yes, this man created a swing bed in his backyard by upcycling unwanted wood pallets!

It’s better than any hammock I’ve slept in. I’ll be making one in my yard in the coming days. Will you be making this pallet bed swing, too? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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