Crafts & DIY
Husband Pulls Off Surprise Bedroom Renovation
Her expression says it all.
Britanie Leclair

After a while of living in a home, the areas can start to feel old and dated.

Whether or not things really need replacing is another story— but simply seeing the same sights every day can rapidly grow old. For some people, a few small renovations are the key to freshening things up.

Benoit Daoust-Alamy/Time
Benoit Daoust-Alamy/Time

Kate Boyer was getting bored of her master bedroom space.

The carpet was old and needed replacing, giving the whole room a worn-out feel. She and her husband had spoken of renovations, but somehow, life just got in the way. Although Kate was sick of her bedroom aesthetic, she tried not to think about it anymore.

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When Kate’s husband Miles learned she’d planned a weekend out of town, he started formulating a plan.


With his wife out of the picture, it would be the perfect time to give her a renovation surprise. Miles knew it would be hard to do everything while supervising their three children, but he had to give it a shot. Even if it wasn’t finished by the time she got back, they were still closer than they were before.

When Kate left for the weekend, Miles immediately got to work.

First, he had to empty the bedroom. Everything, including the bed, dressers, armchair, and nightstands, had to be dragged into another room. Considering Miles was doing the entire project on his own, this alone was a fairly big task.


After moving the furniture, Miles then removed the floorboards and pulled out the worn, wrinkly carpet.

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In the video, Kate and Mile’s son stands at the door singing into the room. He’s apparently entertained by the new acoustics.

Once the kids were in bed, Miles stayed up the whole night painting.

He chose a warm ecru color similar to the one they had, but the fresh coat brightens the entire area, making it shine like new.

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Next, he had to do the floor.

Choosing a pretty laminate flooring, he snaps each piece together.

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“The kids loved the temporary dance studio,” he wrote. He also includes footage of them dancing around the space.

After installing new wall sockets and curtains, it’s almost time for the big surprise.

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Kate has no idea what she’s walking into— and her reaction pretty much says it all. In the video, you see her being led into the room by her children before covering her face in disbelief.

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She’s absolutely speechless by the scene in front of her, gasping and looking around the room. But is it an expression of joy or grief? You’ll just have to see for yourself!

Since being uploaded to Rumble, Miles’ video has been viewed more than a million times.

People love renovations and they love surprises— so this one seems to take the cake. If you’re in need of a new sleeping space, remodeling is a great way to freshen up your home and increase its value. Home and Garden Television offers a ton of renovation tips on their website. If interested, you can check them out here.

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See the finished product below!

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