Crafts & DIY
15 Amazing Uses for Old Kitchen Appliances
Try these unique new uses for your old kitchen appliances by following these great hacks!
Cheryl Knight

If you have a few old kitchen appliances sitting around or you just want to upgrade your appliances, don’t throw away the old ones. You can actually use them for some amazing things you may not have thought of, including using your crockpot to bake bread, your microwave to warm plates, and your popcorn maker to toast nuts!

Check out these 15 ways to use your old kitchen appliances in ways you never imagined.

Use Your Crockpot to Bake Bread

In the Kitchen With Matt
In the Kitchen With Matt

You can use your crockpot to bake bread. You’ll need some parchment, an instant-read thermometer, and some time to experiment. The Kitchn Website provides detailed instructions on how to bake break in your slow cooker here.

Use Your Microwave to Warm Plates

If you want to easily warm up your plates for a meal, you can use a microwave. All you need to do is put the plates inside the microwave and cook them for one to two minutes.

Make Dressing in Your Blender

PF Change’s
PF Change’s

Make dressings, condiments, and marinades using your blender. Just rough chop your ingredients, and then throw them in the blender. Here are 10 homemade salad dressing recipes you can make in your blender at home.

Make Slushes in Your Ice Cream Maker

If you’ve got a craving for a slush, you don’t need to go to your local 7-Eleven or Sonic to get one. You can make one at home using your ice cream maker. To make a delicious cola slush recipe using your ice cream maker, pour a 12-ounce can of cola into the bowl, turn it on, and let a thick slush form. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes. Then serve your cola slush for a refreshing treat.

Toast Nuts in Your Popcorn Maker

Smitten Kitchen
Smitten Kitchen

You can toast nuts at home quickly and easily using a popcorn maker. Put a handful of nuts into the machine and run it for five to 10 seconds. Then shake the machine so that the nuts keep moving. Repeat this process until the nuts are toasted to your satisfaction.

Use Your Coffee Maker for Instant Noodles

If you love instant noodles or oatmeal, you can use your coffee maker to prepare them. Run water through the coffee maker using an empty basket, and you’ll have hot water to pour into your noodles or oatmeal in minutes.

Use Ice Cube Trays to Store Food

Simply Healthy Family
Simply Healthy Family

You can use ice cube trays to freeze all types of foods, including baby food, yogurt, fruit, tomato sauce, and much more. Check out more than 20 ways to use an ice cube tray at BuzzFeed.

Cook Oatmeal in Your Rice Cooker

Use your old rice cooker to make hot cereal and oatmeal. While this method takes longer than the traditional way to make oatmeal, you won’t have to continually stir it in the rice cooker. Check your owner’s manual for information on how to cook oatmeal or hot cereal in your specific cooker.

Use Your Egg Slicer for This …

You can use your egg slicer to also slice strawberries or mozzarella. It also works well for slicing mushrooms and other soft veggies and fruits, such as tomatoes, kiwis, avocados, cooked carrots, and strawberries.

Use a Pizza Cutter to Chop Herbs

You can use a pizza wheel to chop fresh herbs. Roll the wheel back and forth over the herbs. Plus, you can use the pizza cutter to cut dough, tortillas, ham and steaks, and cut pancakes and spaghetti into kid-sized pieces.

Use Your Dishwasher for Cooking

Eat the Trend
Eat the Trend

If you want to cook foods at a low temperature, you can actually use your dishwasher. But make sure the food is sealed up tightly, either in a jar, ziplock bag, or in tin foil. Put the food on the top rack of the dishwasher, and run one wash cycle. The food should be hot and ready to serve.

Use Ice Cream Maker Freezer Bowl to Chill Wine

The freezer bowl from an ice cream maker is perfect for chilling wine or drinks quickly. Fill the ice cream maker bowl with water after the bowl has been frozen, wrap the wine bottle in a kitchen towel, and then set it in the cold water.

Use Your Microplane Grater for Mincing

Microplane International
Microplane International

Microplane graters do more than just grate cheese and zest lemons. They’re also great for mincing ginger and garlic. You can also use a microplane grater to soften butter, grate chocolate, shred chilis and peppers, and scrape charred edges off of foods like muffins.

Use a French Press for This …

You can use a French press to whip cream. While it will not get totally fluffy, it’s an easy way to create a small amount of cream for a slice of pie or cake. You can also use the press to brew loose tea.

Use Muffin Trays as Ice Cube Trays

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If you’re in a pinch and need extra ice cubes, use a muffin tin. Muffin tins are great for making oversized ice that’s perfect to put into large pitchers or punch bowls.

Source: One Good Thing by Jillee
