We all know we have to be careful with how long and what setting we put things in the dryer for in order to avoid shrinking some of our favorite garments. But there are some things that you should avoid putting in the dryer all together. You know what they say… “The more you know,” so here’s a heads up!
Chiffon is a dry-clean only item. You won’t want to risk putting this delicate material in your washer or dryer unless the care instructions advise otherwise.

While some shoes can be put in the dryer, putting Uggs in the dryer is a huge no-no. The sheepskin boots can shrink in the intense heat, so it’s best to leave them somewhere in the sun to dry out.

Pleather can end up melting in your dryer and can ruin your garment and your dryer. Make sure you read the care instructions when laundering a pleather item.

Bathing Suits
The Spandex and synthetic material that bathing suits are made from can fuzz up, lose elasticity, or break down when put in the dryer so it’s best to line dry your bathing suits.

Suede is another material that is best left to dry-cleaning professionals to care for. Don’t put it in your washer OR dryer.

Rhinestone/Embellished Studded Attire
You should avoid putting anything with embellishments, crystals, or rhinestones on it in the dryer because they can melt or fall off.

Running Shoes
While some shoes are OK to put in the dryer, running shoes are not one of them. The rubber in your shoe can shrink and ruin the support it offers your feet.

Bras can lose their shape when put in the dryer, so you’ll want to air dry these.

Lace can also lose its shape when put through the dryer too many times.

Tights get tangled up and rip in the dryer so you should hang these to dry. Since they are so thin they should dry pretty quickly.

The large metal clasps on overalls can damage your dryer. To be safe, place your overalls inside of a pillowcase and pin it shut before putting them in the dryer.

Rubber-Backed Bath Mats
Your rubber-backed bath mats can fall apart and can be a fire hazard if you put them in the dryer. These are best left in the sun to dry.

Wool can both shrink and lose shape in the dryer. You’ll want to shake out excess water by hand and lay the garment or blanket flat to dry.

Rayon, which is made from wood pulp treated with chemicals, can shrink drastically when put in the dryer.

Too Many Clothes

One of the most important things not to put in your dryer is too much clothing. You’ll have to run your dryer through more than once and it will wear out your dryer if you do it too often causing it to breakdown sooner.
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