Crafts & DIY
It's Time To Go On The 'Household Organization Diet'
Based on the same principles as a traditional food diet, this plan is genius when it comes to getting your house on track.
Ashley Fike

If you’re like many households, chores, repairs, and other things can start adding up quickly. It’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Not to mention, these things cost time, money, and energy – these are limited resources these days.

Thankfully, there’s an easy way to get your home and household back on track – the Household Organization Diet.

Clean and Scentsible
Clean and Scentsible

Thanks to Clean and Scentsible, the Household Organization Diet will give you that relaxing and clutter-free home of your dreams.

What exactly is the Household Organization Diet?

When you’re implementing the Household Organization Diet, think of it in the same terms as a traditional food diet. It’s all about changing the way your brain thinks about the process of creating that clean and organized home. Once this happens, you can start getting out of the current rut you’re in so that you can lose that ‘excess weight’ in the house that’s dragging you down.

When your home is cluttered and full of ‘things,’ it costs you energy and time, ultimately leading to unwanted stress. Wouldn’t you prefer having more time for your family, friends, and hobbies instead? We’ll explain in detail below.

Declutter Box
Declutter Box

Make it a point to commit

Again, think about this in terms of losing bodyweight – excess weight builds up over time, so you can’t expect it to fall off overnight. That’s exactly how the Household Organization Diet works as well. Your house didn’t accumulate a bunch of stuff in just a week or two, it’s going to take some time – and that’s okay! Take it one month at a time.


Create new healthy habits

They say it takes 28 days to make a habit, so breaking bad ones isn’t exactly a walk in the park. If you’re not a ‘neat freak,’ the initial change might feel a bit difficult. But before you know it, it becomes second nature.

Stop making excuses


That project in the garage has been there for six months. The guest room closet is overflowing with who-knows-what. And the kitchen hasn’t had a full scrub in at least a month. It’s super easy to procrastinate doing these things, because, well – they aren’t fun. Instead of putting things off, start small – head to the garage and start organizing for 15 minutes. Anything is better than nothing.

Helen Sanderson
Helen Sanderson

Set goals

What’s a plan without goals? Since this is a ‘slow-moving’ plan, it’s best not to go too gung-ho at first, because much like a food diet – you’ll get burnt out. Set monthly goals and think about the reward you’ll have at the end – a clean garage, a place to entertain guests, having time to relax and enjoy life.


Let go of the word ‘perfect’

Did you find this on Pinterest? Well, that’s awesome because Pinterest is an incredible place to find ideas and brainstorm, but it’s easy to get caught up in the ‘perfection’ of it all. Remember, the people staging those photos are professionals with photographers, and it isn’t necessarily reality. This is your home. It’s about making it your personal sanctuary.

Experience Life
Experience Life

Time to get started

First, Clean and Scentsibles recommends a month-long ‘Detox Plan.’ Each day for a month, you’ll spend 15 minutes decluttering and organizing one specific thing such as paperwork, jewelry, or a junk drawer. You can download the full plan here.

After your month-long house ‘detox,’ each month after that, you will tackle one room in the home. For example, there is Home Office, Master Bedroom, Kitchen, and others. The blog will also be adding more as the year progresses.


Clean and Scentsibles has laid out all the instructions and checklists here at the bottom of the page.

It’s time to de-stress, de-clutter, and get back to having some ‘me’ time. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

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Clean and Scentsible
Clean and Scentsible
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