Man gives tour of tiny home that looks like it’s been cut from stone
It's modern meets ancient and it flows together so beautifully.
Gianella Argao

A tour of a beautiful tiny home situated in a mountain ski town in New Zealand caught our attention.

At first glance, one could already realize the complexity that went into building the house.

The small home is created and owned by a man named Evan Crawford.

He is also the owner of Straw Built Homes Ltd. Evan calls the house “Pumice” and it makes total sense—the house really looks like pumice, a type of volcanic rock.


Pumice is built on a truck trailer.

Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House
Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House

It’s almost impossible to believe that this house stands on a trailer for the way it looks.


Evan also explained how they built and shaped the tiny home using straw bales.

“We wanted somewhere that we could sit inside at the dining room table and see the mountain. That was kind of the design goal having built straw bales houses for a long time,” Evan shared. “It’s a fantastic medium to do pretty much any shape you want.”

Straw bales made the shape possible.

Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House
Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House

The tiny house also comes with a beautiful landscape with an open drain to catch the water from the curved roof.

The dimensions of the house are a bit over 10 meters long and 5.5 meters wide. Moreover, the bales are about 500 millimeters thick.

According to the host, Bryce, the house feels like “walking into a modern cave.” He also said, “Just the shapes in here are incredible. There’s something about just everything being rounded. It just makes the whole space feel unusual but actually really calming at the same time.”

Pumice definitely feels cozy and relaxing.

Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House
Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House

So many of the elements inside the house, including the furniture and accessories, are very cave-like, completing the whole natural feel of the home.

Bryce also noticed that the opening windows are placed really low to the water. As per Evan, this allows cooler air to enter in.

No wonder it feels so comfortable.

Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House
Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House

The sleek cabinetry was also built and constructed by Evan and his team. It’s clear as day that a lot of thought went into completing the unique tiny home.


“One of the things I really love that you’ve done in here is just make everything artistic—like all of the really cool drawer handles and the light fitting—everything in here just carries out with it,” Bryce fondly remarked.

Every element blends together so beautifully.

Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House
Youtube - Living Big In A Tiny House

Even the bathroom and the bedroom looked very in sync with the whole theme. It looks more “carved out than built.”

“I think it’s that luxury of not having defined edges, we can just curve things and you just have to have this ability to appreciate what it’s going to look like at the end,” Even said.


The rest of the house is truly magical. This house tour is one for the books and the building information generously shared by Evan is extremely educational.

You might also want to visit Straw Built Homes if you found this tiny home interesting.

See the whole “carved out” pebble in the video below!

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