Out of all the hobbies out there, gardening will definitely be one of the most popular ones. Whether you’re redecorating your backyard to look more aesthetic or you’re trying to grow fruits and vegetables in your garden, it’s a hobby that is definitely healthy for the environment. There are actually a lot of studies out there that show that the act of gardening can actively reduce stress levels.
If you want to use the freshest possible vegetables, there’s only one option: growing them in your own garden.
A popular YouTuber and professional gardener, GrowVeg, shares his ten essential tips on how to start your very own vegetable garden.
1) Build your own easy measuring stick

You’d be surprised just how handy a simple measuring stick can be, and it doesn’t take a lot of work to make one. Just grab a wooden tool with a measuring tape next to it, and use an alcohol marker to add measurement markers to the tool.
2) Reuse plastic labels

Luckily, a permanent marker doesn’t always have to be very permanent, and you can easily reuse your older plastic labels by just rubbing over the ink with sandpaper. No need to dispose of plastic labels anymore!
3) Frost ahead? Terracotta pots to the rescue

Nobody wants their seedlings to be destroyed by harsh weather conditions, but sometimes, you’re just out of cloches and don’t know what to do. To keep your garden safe, simply turn a terracotta pot upside down. It might not look ideal, but it’ll get the job done until the weather passes.
4) Deal with aphids efficiently

When it’s aphid season, chances are that these pesky little bugs will start infesting your plants. Instead of regular tactics, such as squishing them or using a jetstream of water, you can just wrap sticky tape around your hand and give all the aphid-infested leaves a pat. Tip: they usually hide on the underside of leaves, so definitely don’t forget those.
5) DIY water reservoirs

Of course, some plants need a lot more water than others, and it’s hard to get this ratio just right sometimes. When it comes to cucumbers and tomatoes, they’ll definitely need a lot of water. Luckily, you can just create these water reservoirs yourself by drilling small holes in plastic water bottles. When the roots of your plant need it, they’ll absorb the appropriate amount of water.
6) Reuse kitchen water

This one might seem simple enough, but it’s something that a lot of people tend to forget: you can reuse kitchen water for your garden or pots. For example, if you’ve just boiled vegetables or potatoes, wait until the water is at a normal temperature again and then re-use in the kitchen. Sometimes, you can even use your dishwater if your detergent is plant-based.
7) Grow seeds with a hard coating quicker

There are a couple of seeds out there, such as (sweet) peas, with a hard coating. When planted, it still takes a while before the coating around the seed dissolves. Want to make the process go a lot quicker? Soak the seed in lukewarm water the night before you want to plant them.
8) Build your own pea and bean planters

Not every plant or vegetable likes to move around and doesn’t want to get its roots disturbed at all. Sometimes, you’ll find damaged or rotten plants, but you can prevent all of that by making your own planters out of cardboard tubes. The idea is that you make flaps in the tubes, and fill them with some potting soil. Full instructions can be seen in the video below.
9) Save space by gardening vertically

This tip will especially be helpful for people with a smaller garden, and you’d be quite surprised to see how many vegetables can actually climb or trail. There are also vertical wall or fence planters you can just buy in stores – or just build them yourself if you’re handy.
10) Use a gardening app or software

Steve Jobs once said that there’s an app for everything, so why don’t you use specialized gardening software? It can help you build your garden layout, plan out everything, and remind you of when you need to water your vegetables.
See the full tutorial for these clever gardening tricks in the video below!
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