Crafts & DIY
She buys a toilet plunger from the dollar store then gives her home a serious upgrade using it
I never would have thought a toilet plunger could be used to upgrade a home so much.
Ma Fatima Garcia

During the pandemic, people didn’t have much to do. DIY crafts, gardening, and baking were among the few new hobbies that we’ve embraced.

Now that we’re almost back to normal, you might think that we’d store our materials to go back to our previous hobbies, but not quite.

Most people are still gardening, baking, and creating beautiful crafts.

YouTube Screenshot / Hometalk
YouTube Screenshot / Hometalk

Indeed, it has become part of our lives, and we’re not complaining.

We’re pretty sure you’ve gone to a Dollar Store before, and once you’re there, you’d be tempted to buy all sorts of stuff.

It’s tempting to see all the excellent finds that you could get at very affordable prices.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

Hometalk had compiled some of their most-loved DIY projects, and indeed, they were all so beautifully made.

There’s one that had caught our attention and we’ll be sharing how you can turn a toilet plunger into a very classy wall sconce.

Here are the materials that you will need for two wall sconces:

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

2 Toilet plunger

Glue gun

Glue stick

Ruler and pen

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

2 Emergency led candles with removable base

E 6000 glue

2 Alphabet blocks


Black craft paint

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk


Gold or metallic spray paint

Old newspapers

Command strips

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

To start, remove the base of the toilet plunger. Usually, you just have to unscrew the pole.

Next, remove the sticker labels. Take your time.

Measure your toilet plunger pole and mark it at 6.5 from the top. This is where we will put the base later.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

Attach the base of the led candle to the flat side of the toilet plunger pole.

To do this, apply E 6000 at the center and hot glue on the outside part of the pole.

Do the same on the second toilet plunger base.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

Then test it by putting the candle. Can you see where we are going at?

Get your alphabet block and attach it to the base of the toilet plunger.

To do this, apply both E6000 and hot glue on the top of the toilet plunger.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

Attach one alphabet block.

Next, put E 6000 and hot glue on the alphabet block, and attach the pole.

Take note of where we previously marked the pole.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

You can also put tape to secure it and then another item to be placed underneath the pole to keep it balanced.


Wait until the glue dries. As for this tutorial, she waited 24 hours.

Don’t forget to put in those old newspapers before you paint.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

Before the spray paint, apply a base coat in black. This brings out the beauty of the metallic paint. Let your paint try.

Apply your metallic or gold paint. Let it dry and repeat.

Once your paint dries, you can put your wall sconce using command strips, and that’s it.

Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk
Facebook Video Screenshot / DIY with Hometalk

You wouldn’t even recognize that they were made from toilet plungers.

Watch the full tutorial below, and make sure you check out the other tutorials too. They are so lovely that you will put them all on your to-do list.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

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