Crafts & DIY
Transform An Old Knife Block Into A Gorgeous Table Top Organizer
Jenny Brown

Serena Appiah, a mother and creator of the online blog Thrift Diving, was having a problem keeping her kids’ room organized. It’s a problem that many parents face. Their kids have a bunch of toys, clothes, school supplies, and books in their room, and at times, things can get really out of hand.

Known for thinking outside the box and getting hands-on and creative, Serena tried thinking of a solution. While shopping at a thrift shop – one of her favorite hobbies – she had an epiphany. She knew exactly how she could solve the problem!


Serena was walking down an aisle at the thrift shop when she stumbled upon a section full of old knife blocks. She says, “I was walking past this section of knife blocks and inspiration hit. I just knew I was supposed to buy one. And boy am I glad I did!”

Serena envisioned transforming an old knife block into a table top organizer that could hold and store her kids’ school supplies.

First, she used a power drill to turn the slits that were meant for knives into a bigger size.


She thought it would be neat if these slits could hold crayons.

Then, she added a few brackets for paintbrushes and scissors. Finally, she painted it a beautiful blue color and added washi tape for decoration.

transform_old_knife_block_9Isn’t this an awesome table top organizer? It looks amazing in any kid’s room!

Make-a-DIY-Crayon-Holder-From-an-Old-Knife-Block-4-600x900 how-to-turn-a-knife-block-into-crayon-holder-crafts-repurposing-upcycling-1-600x900

Here’s an entire video walkthrough of the project.

[Source: Thrift Diving]
