Toothpicks help you get all that gunk out of your teeth after a hearty meal, but there are also other ways that they can come in handy.
Here are some alternative uses for toothpicks around the house.
Apply Glue
If you’re working with sequins, buttons, or rhinestones, you can use a toothpick to dab glue onto them. This will prevent you from adding too much glue.

Mark a Tape Roll
Tired of scratching at your roll of tape and shredding it while trying to pull it up? Just wrap the end around a toothpick when you are done, so you can easily lift it up the next time you use it.

Properly Disperse Salad Dressing
Leave the foil on your new bottles of salad dressing and use a toothpick to poke holes in it. This will lightly dispense your dressing and prevent you from dumping too much onto your salad.

Clean a Brush
Use a toothpick to poke between bristles of a brush and pull up hair.

Fix a Damaged Stem
If your plant has a bent stem, you can tape a toothpick to it to keep it straight until it regains its strength.

Plant An Avocado
Wash an avocado seed and place three toothpicks into it. Suspend it on a glass of water and make sure that water is covering the bottom inch of the wide end of the seed. Place it in a warm spot that isn’t in direct sunlight and keep it watered. Once the roots and stem grow you can transplant it into some soil.

Light a Candle
Don’t try to light a burned down wick with a lighter. You’ll just burn yourself. Use the lighter to light your toothpick, then use the toothpick to light the burned down wick.

Soil Moisture Test
Push a toothpick down into your soil. If it comes out clean you’ll know that you need to water your plant again.

Keep Track of People BBQ Dinner
If you’re working at the grill and everyone has different requests for temperatures of meat, you can use colored toothpicks to keep track of everyone’s order.

Easy Garlic Marinade
If your dish calls for you to marinate it with garlic cloves you can stick some toothpick in those cloves so you can easily pull them out before you serve the dish.

Fix a Hose
If your hose has a tiny leak, you can plug the hole with a toothpick and break off the end that sticks out. The water will make the wood swell and will stop the water from flowing out.

Clean Tiny Spots
Toothpicks are perfect for removing dirt and grime that gets stuck in between your the buttons on your phone or keyboard. Dip it in some alcohol and start scraping out those tiny crevices.

Press the Reset Button
These buttons are usually too tiny to hit with your fingers. A toothpick will get the job done.

Don’t Let Your Pot Boil Over
Place a toothpick between the lid and pot while it’s on the stove. This tiny gap will release steam and prevent your pot from boiling over and making a mess.

See If It’s Done

Place a toothpick inside the baked goods you’re making. If it comes out clean, it’s done. If not, it needs to bake more.
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