Crafts & DIY
Woman buys $80 outdated dining room set from yard sale and turns it into the set of her dreams
This turned out gorgeous!
Cherie Gozon

Refurbishing and refinishing furniture and fixtures have many advantages.

Pexels - Charlotte May
Pexels - Charlotte May

You can save the environment by reducing your carbon footprint by buying used ones instead of buying something new.

It is also one way to save money.

Pexels - Ono Kosuki
Pexels - Ono Kosuki

While the initial investment you’ll have might cost much – including proper equipment and materials, but once you have them, you can refurbish many more pieces of furniture at less cost. Imagine doing an entire home makeover with a fraction of the price compared to buying those in furniture stores.

This is also one great way to earn more money.

Unsplash - Anastase Maragos
Unsplash - Anastase Maragos

If you get better at your craft, you can do this for profit. You can look around thrift shops or drive by curbs and see if there is any furniture you can refurbish. Then, you can sell them (like posting them on Facebook Marketplace) at a higher price, granting that you invested materials and time for it.

And if you’re like this TikTok content creator, you can use and design them to your liking.

Unsplash - Kikki Starr
Unsplash - Kikki Starr

Not everything you buy for a bargain would be up to par with your interior design taste. However, the beauty of refurbishing old furniture is that you can design it the way you like it – and it’s a unique one, too.

Maggie McGaugh shares her DIY furniture refurbishing on her TikTok account.

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

She likes to create something new from the old – furniture that she either bought from thrift shops or grabbed from a curb (literally trash!). She would either use these furniture in her rental homes or sell it online.

One of her TikTok videos featured her newly refurbished dining set.

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

Maggie shared how she bought this $80 dining set from a yard sale and made it look new. The table didn’t look too worn out, but the chairs needed some TLC. She had a dream dining set, but it would cost her around $3,000, so she decided to refurbish this one instead.

She first sanded the table with 120 grits.

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

The sanding process took most of her time. She opted to sand this table to bring out the natural color of the wood instead of the varnished one.


Next, she refinished the chairs and started by sanding the wood.

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

She also sanded the cane with 120 grits, used an old paintbrush to dust it off, painted them black, and sealed them with polyacrylic. She also painted and treated the sides and legs of the table that way.

Then, she covered the cushions of the chair.

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

Most people would reupholster cushions by removing the original covers and especially if the foam were in bad condition. But Maggie didn’t want to do that. Instead, she cleaned and vacuumed the old cushions and covered them with black.

Here is the finished product!

TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh
TikTok Screenshot - Maggie McGaugh

It looked so much better than its original finishing. Maggie made it look more chic and elegant, especially the matte effect on the paint job. She said that she would place it in her home rental.

You can follow her TikTok account for more DIY refurbishing and refinishing ideas.


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