Woman brings viewers on a rare tour inside Amish home and earns 1.6M views
She crafted a video tour that has since captivated over 1.6 million viewers, offering an intimate peek into the unadorned yet fascinating Amish household.
Jenny Brown

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about the lifestyle of the Amish?


It’s a world away from our tech-driven lives, defined by simplicity and a strong sense of community.

The Amish way of life, with its deliberate avoidance of modern conveniences, often leaves many of us intrigued about the inner workings of their homes.

To quench this thirst for knowledge, a woman took it upon herself to demystify the Amish home.

She crafted a video tour that has since captivated over 1.6 million viewers, offering an intimate peek into the unadorned yet fascinating Amish household.

The homes are a testament to minimalism, with their white-washed exteriors and absence of ornate decor, reflecting the essence of Amish values.


Step onto the porch, and you’ll find yourself among handmade rocking chairs and benches, each telling a story of tradition and craftsmanship.

These aren’t just pieces of furniture; they’re heirlooms, imbued with the history and skill of generations.

The Amish take pride in creating what they need with their own hands, resulting in unique and durable items that are as functional as they are symbolic.

Inside, the basement is a treasure trove of practicality, with an array of drawers and cabinets.


It’s a prepper’s paradise, with enough storage to house the bounty of foodstuffs the Amish prepare from scratch.

The shelves are a testament to their self-sufficiency, neatly organized with home-canned vegetables, fruits, and meats, all harvested or raised on their own land.

This pantry is more than just storage; it’s a library of their labor and a testament to their connection with the land.


The agricultural prowess of the Amish is not limited to crop farming.

They are also seasoned poultry farmers, nurturing chickens, turkeys, and ducks.

This connection to their animals and crops is a vital thread in the fabric of their self-reliant lifestyle.


In another room, a large table draped with a handmade quilt hints at a communal space for crafting, a central aspect of Amish life that fosters both creativity and practicality.


The bedrooms maintain the theme of simplicity, with just the essentials: a bed, a place to hang clothes, and a window allowing the dance of natural light to fill the room.


The absence of cabinets and gadgets keeps the space serene and uncluttered.

Without electricity, the Amish turn to gas lamps to warm their rooms with a soft glow as night falls.

During the day, sunlight is their companion, streaming in through generous windows, and connecting them to the rhythm of the day.


This peek into the Amish home challenges our perceptions and perhaps even inspires a bit of envy for their uncomplicated way of life.

It’s a reminder that there’s elegance in simplicity and strength in tradition.

The Amish may walk a different path, but it’s one that’s walked with intention and grace.

For those who’ve never seen an Amish home, the video is a revelation, a chance to appreciate a way of life that’s both different and admirable.

Share this journey with friends and family, and perhaps find a moment to reflect on the beauty of living simply.

Take the full tour by watching the video below!

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