What if you could give your bathroom a makeover and completely different look for under $5?
Well, you can. Except it can cost a lot less than $5.
It will actually be free if you have some Sharpie markers in your house.
You can use Sharpie oil-based paint pens to completely transform the bathroom or any accent wall in your home.
And with the incredibly inexpensive price tag, it’s practically a risk-free venture because it’s reversible.
If you don’t like the way it comes out, you can just give your wall one or two coats of paint to cover it back up again.
All you need for this project is a 4′ level, oil-based paint pens in black or whatever color you want to use, and a tape measure or wood blocks to mark your spacing.
It’s also a good idea to have some touch-up paint that matches your wall color on hand.
That way you can make a correction if you make a mistake.

You can get really creative with this project and make all different kinds of patterns on your wall.
Once you know what designs you want to do, you should measure out your wall and figure out what dimensions you’ll need to craft your design.
Figuring out the measurements of your design is the hardest part of this project.
You want to make sure that your design looks even, that it’s spaced properly, doesn’t get cut off anywhere, or look awkward.
It might help to sketch out your design on a piece of paper first.
Or try taking a picture of your wall and using design tools to draw the design over the picture so you can see what it will look like.
Next, draw it on the wall with a pencil.
You’ll either draw over your pencil in marker so you don’t see it, or erase the lines as you go.
You might also find that your design looks different on paper than it does once you trace it on your wall.
You can always go in and alter it by adding more lines or other elements to it.
A piece of wood cut to the size of your spacing can be used to mark and space out your horizontal lines. It’s easier than holding up a tape measure.

You can also use this method with a different piece of wood to space out your vertical lines.
It’s best to use the 4′ level for your horizontal lines since you can draw them longer and can make sure they are completely straight.
Once your design looks right in pencil, you can use a straight edge to trace over your markings with the marker.
You’ll want to slightly angle your marker in an upright position and press firmly while you trace.
You can start with your vertical lines first, then go in and do your horizontal lines.
Again, if it just doesn’t look right, you can go in and add some extra lines or accents.

And if you totally hate it, just paint over it.
Not only can you create this look on painted walls, but you can also use it in just about any other surface in your home, including bathroom tile.
You’ll just have to consider that you might be stuck with your design whether you like it or not if you’re unable to paint over surfaces like tile.
You can see how this project was done in the video below.
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