Woman shows how she spends almost nothing on all of her bathroom supplies
All in all, she spends around $3 on all her personal care products.
Michael Dabu

In a recent video, a presenter shares her savvy strategies for cutting costs on everyday bathroom supplies.

This video not only offers practical tips but also promotes a lifestyle of financial prudence without sacrificing personal care.

She introduces viewers to various budget-friendly habits that can easily be incorporated into daily routines, focusing first on how to reduce water usage effectively.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

The presenter begins by discussing water conservation, noting that minor reductions in usage might not always show up on the water bill.

She explains that water charges are typically measured in large increments.

Therefore, unless significant cuts are made, small daily savings won’t necessarily lead to lower payments, highlighting the need for meaningful changes in water use.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

Shifting the focus to soap usage, she advocates for using every last bit of soap before buying new.

Her method cycles through different brands and types of soaps, including bars and body washes.

This not only saves money but also ensures that no product is wasted, demonstrating a simple yet effective way to economize.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

Hair care also receives attention in her frugal routine.

She talks about using cost-effective shampoos like the popular V5 brand.

By diluting shampoo with water and using free hotel samples, she extends the life of these products, further embedding thriftiness into her daily life.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

On the topic of shaving, the presenter advocates for using a reusable razor, noting that a single blade can last about a year.

She also repurposes old disposable razors before buying new ones.

This approach not only saves money but also emphasizes her resourceful and sustainable living philosophy.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

In oral hygiene, she describes using the most economical toothpaste recommended by her dentist and diluting mouthwash to make it last longer.

These small, smart adjustments help her maintain dental health without overspending.

Her strategies showcase how minor tweaks can lead to substantial savings over time.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

Personal grooming habits are humorously compared to those of gorillas, illustrating her self-sufficiency in cutting her own hair and doing her nails.

This touch of humor highlights the unnecessary expense of professional grooming services.

She uses these examples to show how simple it can be to take care of oneself without external help.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

The discussion extends to makeup and deodorant use, where she suggests a blend of inexpensive yet effective products.

She praises Dove deodorant for its satisfactory performance and cost-efficiency.

These recommendations align with her overall theme of living frugally while still maintaining a high standard of personal care.

YouTube - Prepper Princess
YouTube - Prepper Princess

The video encapsulates a general philosophy of aging gracefully while avoiding expensive beauty routines and products.

By sharing these life hacks and personal anecdotes, the presenter not only educates but also inspires viewers.

Her approach proves that one can maintain a high standard of personal care without indulging in costly habits, promoting both economy and self-reliance.

Watch her tips in the video below.

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