Smartphones have transcended their original purpose, evolving into multi-functional devices that are integral to our daily lives. While they still retain their title, calling them mere “phones” might be an understatement. Beyond making calls—which has become a secondary function for many—they serve as navigation aids, repositories of knowledge, entertainment hubs, and much more. Despite their extensive capabilities, there’s always something new to discover, thanks to a continuous stream of innovative “hacks” shared by users worldwide. As we approach the third decade of the 21st century, it’s clear that smartphones are not just for calls and texts; they are powerful tools that continue to expand their utility in exciting ways.

Improve audio recording by covering your phone mic.

You wouldn’t think it makes sense, but you can actually improve your audio quality on videos by covering your microphone. The reason is that it muffles background noise, letting you more clearly hear the main audio stream. Just use a finger to cover the microphone while you’re capturing your video.