More and more people are beginning to keep chickens in backyard coops. They can be very rewarding pets to keep and will even make breakfast for you provided you like eggs. They are surprisingly friendly and affectionate as well.

Perhaps all that is preventing you from adopting some backyard chickens is that you don’t have a proper place to house them. Anyone can build an efficient backyard chicken coop with $50 and an hour’s worth of work, however. This is how you do it.

Let’s build a chicken coop!
All you need to do this is four 2×6’s, a little bit of chicken wire, a tarp, and some cattle panels. You’ll also need some zip ties to hold it all together. All of this can be purchased from a home and garden store for under $50.
“This is a great coop for meat birds, turkeys or what ever type of bird or any animal you need housed,” reads the video’s description on YouTube.

This chicken coop is all you will need to keep your chickens safe from predators and give them a place to get out of the elements.
“This build is so easy even someone with zero skills could pull it off =)”

Put together the frame and attach the cattle panel.
The first thing you want to do is assemble the frame using the four pieces of wood mentioned above. Then cut the cattle panel so that you can bend it inside the coop frame. This should create a little tent-like area underneath. Make sure everything is nailed in and attached securely.

Attach the chicken wire and tarp.
Your next step is to put the chicken wire overtop of the cattle panel. Then put the tarp on over the chicken wire. Use zip ties to ensure everything is secured into place.
Take a section of cattle panel and attach it to the end of the coop but do not attach the bottom. This will allow you to have a flapping door as an entrance and exit.

Chicken Coop building video goes viral.
“Off Grid with Doug and Stacy” is a popular YouTube channel for people wanting to live a simpler life off the land. Their video on how to build a chicken coop for $50 and in under an hour has been viewed more than 6 million times.

Many viewers of the video felt compelled to leave a comment.
“Fast, cheap, and easy! Perfect for this poor homesteader. Doug you had a good point about having an extra space, you just never know when you might need it,” wrote one viewer.

“THANK YOU! You just made my day! I just finished a large chicken tractor that I cannot move by myself and now I can get the rest of my birds our on pasture and move then myself! TODAY! Thank you!!!!!”
You can learn how to build a chicken coop in under an hour for $50 with the video below.
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