Friends build real “medieval” castle in forest using simple tools of that era
From quarrying the stones for walls and digging clay for roof tiles to making the mortar, paint, and even the tools themselves, they're doing everything from scratch just as it would have been done centuries ago.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Do you ever feel fascinated by the majestic architecture all around the world?

Imagine all the pyramids, the Taj Mahal, and the ancient temples and ruins around the world.

Imagine Medieval castles.

How were they built? How were they able to create such grand projects without the use of our modern technology?

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

It’s fascinating to see such big, complex, and beautiful structures that were built hundreds of years ago.

Can you imagine creating a 13th-century castle and building it from scratch using medieval techniques, tools, and materials?

If you think that this is such an ambitious and grand project, then you are correct. It is.

These builders are journeying back in time.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

Michel Guyot – The Creator

Michel Guyot, a French entrepreneur, has owned and restored many castles in France. He even owns Château de Saint-Fargeau.

With his love for this beautiful architecture, he realized he did not know how it was done. This sparked an idea.

Guyot, with his friend and co-founder, Maryline Martin, the Guédelon Castle project was born in 1997.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

The 13th-Century Castle in France

Guyot and Martin chose the specific location in Guédelon forest, not just because of the view, but because it could provide what they needed – the resources to build the castle from scratch.

They didn’t want to involve technology and modern machinery.

They wanted to use only human labor, horses, and medieval methods to create an enormous castle in the forest.

This plan involved lots of discussions, brainstorming, and smart ideas.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

It’s an ambitious and grand plan

The Guédelon Castle was actually an experimental archaeology project.

It aims to recreate how people in the 13th century built castles, worked to create the mechanism, gathered materials, and so much more. Each day is a day to learn.

Even the people who helped in creating the castle and its environment involved using clothes, methods, and even how they use terms from medieval times.

Starting this project required passion, time, money, dedication, and lots of hard work.

They thought about it many times because there was no turning back once they had set the first stone on the ground.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

You’d be amazed to see all the master builders, craft workers, and volunteers who are involved.

There are stonemasons, carpenters, stonecutters, blacksmiths, woodcutters, carpenters, blacksmiths, cloth makers, and so much more.

Each person is dedicated and passionate about their tasks.

They learn something every day.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

As weeks and years pass by, each person involved had developed their skills and is more efficient than ever.

Some people call everything about the Guédelon castle a living museum.

Can you imagine working on one brick alone? Even the paint they used in the murals inside was made onsite.

It’s pure genius.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

The first stone was laid in 1997.

It all started on June 20, 1997. They also buried a time capsule beneath the stone.

They opened the castle site to the public in 1998.

People visit and learn so much about the past, the architectural design, the mechanical blueprints, how each brick was made, where they got their tools, and so much more.

26 years later, it’s still being built.

YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen
YouTube Screenshot / Kirsten Dirksen

Tour the castle to get a glimpse of the medieval world and how it was made in the video below!

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