Girl upgrades parents’ garden shed into amazing living space on one condition
Her parents didn't know what they were in for. She was fully committed to making it work.
Sheehan Diapues

Due to the high rental fees for apartments these days, many people have tried different ways to adapt and save money.

One viable option, which is also a trend nowadays, is in the form of tiny houses. No lavish or extra amenities. Just plain, good, old-fashioned simple living.

When homes shrink, bank accounts grow.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

Meet Aniah Warne of Boise, Idaho.

The young woman is in her early 20s and already has a good grasp on her financial life with the help of her parents, but probably not how you think.

You see, while Aniah lives in very close proximity to her parents, she technically doesn’t live with her parents.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

Aniah lives in a shed.

Yep, you read that right. But she’s not living an an empty wooden, uninsulated box by any means.


No, Aniah is living a simple life of luxury in what essentially equated to one beautiful detached apartment.

But how did Aniah convince her parents to let her live in a shed? Well, that’s where things get interesting.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

First, Aniah propositioned her parents.

She went over the pros and cons of having her live in close proximity (you know, as in the backyard) vs. renting an apartment or studio elsewhere.

As we all know, this can be pretty hard to pull off without other people to help lighten the financial load.

The answer was staring them right in the face. Aniah decided to convert her parents’ garden shed into the perfect living space for herself.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

After completing her beautiful shed home, Aniah shared it with the world via her TikTok account.

She did explain that she’s using the kitchen and bathroom in the main house.

“I walk like 10 feet inside. Right as you walk in there’s the bathroom [and] there’s the kitchen,” she mentioned.

It sits just beside her parent’s house.

She lives in a place surrounded by trees and lots of plants. She’s lived in the mountains all her childhood life on their 24-acre property so she got used to it in no time.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

One small room meets all her needs. It has two doors, one beside the bed to get a better view outside, and another which acts as the main door.

It has its own TV, bed, and closet. She also added indoor plants to accentuate the space with some color and extra oxygen.

Her shed tour left viewers questioning.

For instance, some viewers couldn’t help but wonder about the insect population she must be putting up with.

To everyone’s surprise, the answer was nearly zero.

In another video, Warne explained that she has no issues with spiders, mosquitos, or flies.

“I have the door and the window open right now, and there is not a single fly in here. I do have to be concerned about leaving food out, though, because of ants,” she said.


No bugs allowed.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

Warne further explained that the bugs are not that bad when the doors are shut, which she does every night.

Simple solutions for simple living, eh?


Other viewers were concerned about how Warne maintains the temperature inside to a liveable condition.

She explained in yet another video that the shed has its own air conditioning unit when it gets hot, and a heater for cold seasons.

It’s really quite a comfortable “shed”.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

She often opens the two doors whenever the days are cozy and not too hot or too cold.

She also has top-notch security.

What about security and cost? She amusingly answered that her two dogs are the best security that she could have.

Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne
Tiktok - aniahhhhwarne

And the best part? She’s living rent-free!

Her tiny house is the best place for peace and solitude, as well as to save some extra cash.


So, she convinced her parents to allow her to convert the shed into the tiny studio apartment she’s created for herself so she can live rent-free.

By all appearances, the decision is already paying off and Aniah gets to start out her adult life without the added stress of a rent bill.

As we all can imagine, that is a huge help when just getting your start in life.

Watch on TikTok

A Tiktok user commented,

“Another young lady with good ideas, very tasteful with creative ideas, nice job with designing. Yes, nature by the creator is awesome!”

It turns out that Aniah isn’t the only one turning sheds into perfectly livable tiny spaces, either.

One young woman recently went viral for the incredible farm shed home that she converted with her husband into an adorable family home.


Then there’s Precious Price, who has wowed everyone with the incredible shed she bought from Home Depot and converted into a tiny home herself.

See her amazing shed-turned-tiny-home in the video below!

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