According to Butchers, This Is How to Find the Freshest Meat at the Grocery Store
I got some tips I've never heard before, very helpful.
Jake Manning

Selecting the freshest meat at the grocery store is essential for both your safety and enjoyment.

One of the first things to check is the packaging.

When inspecting meat, make sure that the packaging is tightly sealed and free from any bubbles.

If you notice that the packaging has “bubbled” up or the meat isn’t snugly sealed against the plastic, it’s a red flag.

This often indicates that the meat has been subjected to a temperature change, which can lead to bacterial growth.

Consuming meat that has been compromised in this way increases the risk of food-borne illnesses, so it’s best to avoid it.


A visual inspection is another crucial step in ensuring you’re picking the freshest meat.

Start by examining the color of the meat, which can tell you a lot about its freshness.

For beef, fresh cuts initially appear purple, a natural result of the meat being deprived of oxygen.

As it’s exposed to air, it turns a bright cherry red. Over time, beef might darken to a brown-red, which is still acceptable.

However, if the beef has turned dark brown or gray, it’s likely spoiled, and you should avoid it.


When it comes to chicken, fresh pieces should have a light pink hue with white streaks of fat.

If you notice that the chicken has turned yellow or gray, it’s a clear sign of spoilage.

The discoloration might suggest the presence of mold or other spoilage processes.

Eating chicken that has started to turn colors like yellow or gray can lead to severe food poisoning, so always opt for cuts that retain their fresh pink color.


The smell test is a straightforward yet effective way to gauge the freshness of meat.

Fresh raw meat, whether beef, chicken, or any other kind, should have little to no odor.

If you detect any sour smell, similar to that of bad eggs or spoiled milk, it’s a strong indication that the meat is no longer safe to consume.

The unpleasant odor comes from bacteria and other microorganisms breaking down the meat, which can pose serious health risks if ingested.


It’s essential to use all your senses when choosing meat, especially your sense of smell.

Even if the packaging and appearance seem fine, an off-putting smell is a definitive sign that something is wrong.

Always trust your nose; if the meat smells even slightly off, it’s better to leave it behind and choose a fresher option.

A sour smell is a clear warning that the meat has begun to spoil and should be discarded, not purchased.


In addition to checking the packaging, color, and smell, be mindful of expiration dates and how the meat is stored at the grocery store.

Meat should always be kept in a cool, refrigerated environment, preferably below 40°F (4°C).

If the store’s meat section seems warm or if the meat isn’t properly chilled, it’s safer to avoid purchasing from there altogether.

The risk of spoilage increases when meat isn’t stored at the correct temperature, so it’s crucial that the storage conditions are appropriate.


Pay attention to any labels on the meat packaging that indicate it has been pre-frozen.

While frozen meat can still be safe and high quality, it’s important to know that it might not be as fresh as meat that has never been frozen.

If you prefer fresh meat, look for labels that specify “never frozen” or ask the butcher about the meat’s history.

Knowing whether the meat has been previously frozen can help you make an informed choice about freshness.


Another useful tip is to shop for meat at the end of your grocery trip.

By picking out your meat last, you can ensure it spends as little time as possible out of the refrigerated section before you head home.

This reduces the chances of the meat warming up, which can compromise its freshness.

If possible, place the meat in an insulated bag or cooler to maintain its temperature until you get it home and into your refrigerator or freezer.


Selecting the freshest meat doesn’t have to be a complicated task.

By following these simple tips—checking the packaging, inspecting the color, using your sense of smell, and considering the storage conditions—you can confidently choose meat that is fresh, safe, and ready to be turned into a delicious meal.

Remember, when it comes to buying meat, it’s better to be cautious and discerning to ensure you’re getting the best quality possible.

Learn even more helpful tips including how to pick the perfect steak, watch below!

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