Retired teacher builds her own beautiful tiny home for $30K to save money and live peacefully
What a lovely tiny house! It would be amazing to enjoy retirement like this.
Kathleen Shipman

There’s an old phrase that “less is more,” and for some – it couldn’t be more true.

One retired teacher made the decision to build and move into her very own tiny home, and it completely changed her life in the best ways.

After separating from her husband, Brigitte needed a place to stay.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

She went to her friend’s house and found a book about tiny homes on the table.

After looking through it just once, she knew that it was going to be her future.

It didn’t matter that she had never built a home before, she would find a way.

As word spread around her community, people started helping Brigitte out.

One friend had an old rusty trailer that Brigitte ended up using as the base of her home.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Another person knew a builder who was looking for work and Brigitte was able to hire him to help her build her new home.

The two of them spent almost a year building her new home and Brigitte learned everything there is to know about tiny home construction.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

With her home built, Brigitte was finally ready to move into it.

The retiree was able to design the tiny house to fit her lifestyle and hobbies.

As you walk into the living area/kitchen, you find a large open space that makes you feel like you are in anything but a tiny home.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

She has space for a nice couch that can turn into a bed for guests and a keyboard under the table.

Above the living room and kitchen area is a charming sleeping loft.

It also has the feeling of being very wide open.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Her surroundings are gorgeous too.

Brigitte made sure to put most of her windows on one side of the house–the side that looks out onto her beautiful garden and the mountains in the distance.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

She designed this house to be even more minimalist than most tiny-home owners.


Instead of running water, Brigitte fills up jugs and buckets of water from a spigot.

She grew up without having any running water so going to fetch water is nothing new to her–she actually prefers the exercise.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

And for showers, Brigitte just uses a bucket that hangs outside with a spout that rains water down over her.


She can only use this shower in the summertime, but in the winter she says that she doesn’t mind going down to the local swimming pool and paying two dollars for a shower.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

She gets around mostly on her electric bike that has a basket on the back.


She likes to take it into town and buy the things that she needs–which isn’t much.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Brigitte’s garden produces more than enough food for her to eat in the warmer months and in the winter she eats lots of foods that she preserved from the year before.


Overall, her tiny home cost about $30K to build. She pays $300 a month for the property, which also includes her internet and electricity.

If you’ve ever thought about downsizing your life and changing the way that you live, you should definitely take Brigitte and her home as a source of inspiration.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

What she’s done with such a small amount of space is truly amazing and it reminds us that we really don’t need all that much to get by.

Ready to get a closer look at Brigitte’s gorgeous tiny home? Be sure to watch the video below and perhaps it’ll inspire you too!

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