Texas mom shares simple tip that helped her slash $50 off monthly water bill
Tips like this are such a blessing.
Randy Aragon

It’s no secret that life is getting more and more expensive no matter where you live, with prices inflated on everything from gas to food, housing to travel.

But what if there was a way you could save money month without really doing anything? Lucky for you, there is, and it has to do with your water bill.

You’ll be asking yourself why you didn’t already think of this.

It’s pretty simple.

Pixabay - geralt
Pixabay - geralt

A clever lady went viral on TikTok after she found a hack that slashed her water bill by $50.

Any time there’s a tip that can save you money, most people’s ears perk up, and this case was no different.

Only this time it was a video that caught people’s attention and for very good reason.

It saves water.

Pixabay - Dariuszsankowski
Pixabay - Dariuszsankowski

TikTok user @TeamHayHomeschools posted a video that shared a simple secret on how you could save a whopping $50 on your water bill.

All you need is a cheap piece from your local hardware store, a few spare minutes, and you’ll watch the savings roll in.

In the short video, the crafty mother from Texas got straight to the point explaining that with seven children, all home-schooled, she had to try and find some kind of hack to bring the water bill down.

The beauty of simple tech.

So she researched the internet and found just what she was looking for, a water-saving piece you could buy for your toilet to instantly save on your water bill.

TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools
TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools

“I did some research and found out, that if you simply replace the flapper right here, with one of those water-saving ones,” @TeamHayHomeschools says in the video, before flushing the toilet as a demonstration: “You see how quickly it closes to save money, to save water?” She goes on to say.

TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools
TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools

Efficiency is everything.

That’s right, just replace the old rubber flapper inside the back of your toilet with a new water-saving flapper.

After TikToker @TeamHeyHomeschools changed her old rubber flapper (located in the back tank), she managed to pull her water bill down by $50.

To prove it wasn’t just a 1-month trend, their bill has been down that same amount for 8 months and running.

TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools
TikTok - @TeamHayHomeschools

She shared her tip on her TikTok page and it quickly went viral, soon catching the attention of Fox 26 Houston News who did a segment on it.

More tips to save water

In the news segment, Fox 26 Houston also shared a list of other tips that can help lower your water bill even more.

On top of the new water-saving flappers, here are some other ways they suggested to lower your water bill:

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Pixabay - 13727445
  • Fix leaks
  • Use dishwasher
  • Less time in the shower, toothbrushing, etc…
  • Water yard in the morning
  • Use water sense faucets, toilet, and dishwasher

There’s no wrong time to save money.

And this tip is so easy we say it’s definitely worth a try!

Now we’ll just have to sit back and hope for some tips on the electricity bill, @TeamHeyHomeschools we’ll be waiting.

Pixabay - W1ntermute
Pixabay - W1ntermute

See this money-saving tip for yourself in the video below!

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