Crafts & DIY
Woman uses a fork to create the most gorgeous little bow
I can't wait to try this - it's so adorable!
Patricia Lynn

Get ready to dazzle your friends and family with a delightful crafting trick!

Perfect for holiday gatherings, this simple yet impressive technique involves transforming a ribbon into a charming bow using just a fork, needle, and thread.

It’s a fun activity that both adults and kids can enjoy together, and it comes from the “meryemle her telden” YouTube channel!

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Starting Steps:

First things first, ensure your fork is clean and dry.

Then, take a ribbon and wrap its end around the fork’s body.

It’s crucial to wrap it sufficiently so you can press the ends together and pass the needle through.

This initial step sets the foundation for your beautiful bow.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Sewing and Securing:

After wrapping the ribbon, it’s time to sew it together.

Use scissors and a lighter to neatly trim and melt the thread’s edge.

Next, loop the ribbon around the fork again, making sure it’s sandwiched between both loops.

The trick here is to wrap it around your finger first, then tighten it around the fork, creating a neat knot.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

The Knotting Process:

This step requires a bit of patience and precision.

Wrap and knot the ribbon around the fork ten times, ensuring the loops are tightly squeezed together.

This repetitive process is key to forming the bow’s intricate design.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Trimming and Melting:

Once you’ve completed the knotting, cut off the excess ribbon, leaving only the wrapped and knotted part on the fork.

Use a lighter to slightly melt the ribbon’s end on the fork, allowing you to press it down onto the body.

This step helps in securing the ribbon’s shape.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Final Sewing Touches:

Now, grab your needle and thread again.

Sew through the part where you just cut off, finishing with a few loops before cutting the thread.

Flip the fork over, squeeze the ribbon, and slide the needle underneath until it emerges on the other side.

Loop the needle through and pull to form a tight knot.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Unveiling the Bow:

With a steady hand, slide the ribbon off the fork.

Hold it gently but firmly as you’re not done yet. Pass the needle through once more, creating another knot.

Then, slowly unfurl the ribbon in your hand to reveal the bow’s shape.

Pinch the ends where the knot and threads meet, passing the needle between them a few times to secure another knot.

Ensure the bow maintains its shape throughout this process.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

Adding a Personal Touch:

Follow the needlework direction as shown, sewing through the center of the ribbon.

This is your chance to personalize your creation!

Sew on a bead or any decorative item to the middle part of the bow.

Experiment with different colored ribbons and a variety of beads to create a diverse collection of bows for decorating purposes.

YouTube - meryemle her telden
YouTube - meryemle her telden

While this craft might require some practice and might lead to a few finger pricks, it’s a cool skill to learn and share with kids.

It’s one thing to buy ready-made bows, but it’s quite special to boast about ones that are handmade with love and creativity.

Be sure to check out the full tutorial in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – meryemle her telden
