Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. In other words, we tend to think of it when it comes to disinfecting cuts or scrapes. When we think about hydrogen peroxide, we think of our childhood. Every time we see hydrogen peroxide, we remember that painful sting we felt when our parents would dab our cuts and/or scapes using a cotton ball that had hydrogen peroxide on it.
But as it turns out, this handy product has many more uses than just to prevent infection. It is actually one of the most versatile chemicals that you already have at home. It is helpful everywhere at home – from your garden to your kitchen to your bathroom. It is no wonder most parents always keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (sometimes more than just one bottle!) in the medicine cabinet.
We’ve collected some of the best uses for hydrogen peroxide. After you give some of these brilliant uses a try, we’re sure you’ll want to keep more of it readily available at home.
So the next time you go to the drugstore, make sure to pick up some extra hydrogen peroxide to store in your medicine cabinet. Your house might thank you for it.
If you want to whiten your teeth and remove stains, hydrogen peroxide might just what you need. Try mixing a solution that’s half water and half hydrogen peroxide, then gargle it after you brush your teeth. The antibacterial properties that exist in hydrogen peroxide will help kill bad breath and whiten your teeth!
Have blemishes on your skin? Hydrogen peroxide is a proven solution to help combat infection. Try dabbing hydrogen peroxide on pimples after washing your face. You’ll find that the blemish should heal in a day or two if you continually apply hydrogen peroxide after washing.
Have excess ear wax? You can get rid of it by using hydrogen peroxide. Adding hydrogen peroxide to your ear will bubble up and dirt and other things located near the surface of your ear and make it easy for you to extract.
To try this, put a cotton ball in your ear and then pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into your ear using a funnel or pipette. One you hear and feel the fizzing in your ear, immediately tip your head to the other side. Please be careful when trying this, and don’t try it if you have or are recovering from an ear infection or a perforated ear drum.
You can have your very own spa day by adding hydrogen peroxide to a tub full of hot water. Hydrogen peroxide effectively kills bacteria that causes odor, which means the more hydrogen peroxide foot baths you take, the better!
Getting stains out of white towels or linens is tough. Well, don’t despair and try spraying a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on a fresh stain. Let it sit for a bit then add some dish soap. You’ll find that the stain should be completely gone after a wash!
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best odor killers out there. So it’s no secret that they’re a perfect solution if you have smelly shoes. And because hydrogen peroxide doesn’t contain any fragrances, you’re shoes will smell fresh and clean without any added smells!
Pots and pans can get messy after cooking a big meal. Often times, food can become caked and baked on your nice dishes. Soak your pots and pans in a mixture with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. The food will come right off with the swipe of a sponge.
It might sound weird to clean something that is supposed to be doing the cleaning. Toothbrushes, however, can harbor a lot of bacteria; from your mouth and in the bathroom. To prevent bacteria growth, soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide for five minutes, once a week. Rinse with water and your toothbrush has been instantly sanitized.
Clean your aquarium or fish bowl using hydrogen peroxide. It’s a natural solution so it won’t harm your pets at all. A clean aquarium make for some happy fishies!
Hopefully you won’t need to use this tip. But for any unfortunate accidents, here is a home remedy to get rid of blood stains. Remove the stains from fabric by applying hydrogen peroxide to the affect area. Let it sit on the stain for a few minutes before you wash.
Hydrogen peroxide isn’t just effective at killing germs on your wounds. It can kill germs on any surface! Use this neat hydrogen peroxide solution to clean your countertops. Learn the full details here.
Remove bacteria and germs from your cutting board by soaking it in a 50/50 solution of water and hydrogen peroxide. No need to buy more cutting boards if they are overused. Wash thoroughly after.
Combine hydrogen peroxide and baking soda together to remove the grime in your grout. Brush the paste into the grout using a toothbrush and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, rinse off.
If you want to highlight your hair on a budget, then use this tip. Spray a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to the sections of the hair that you want highlight. Then, comb through. Let this sit for about 30 minutes before you rinse with cold water.
Are your towers not smelling fresh? Get rid of the nasty odor by adding 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup vinegar to your normal wash. Your guests will thank you.
If your pet happens to go potty in the wrong place, then you’re in luck. Hydrogen peroxide can get rid of the urine smell. Mix 1 cup water, 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons baking soda, and 1 tablespoon dish detergent to eliminate the scent.
If you are ever sprayed by a skunk, don’t panic. Hydrogen peroxide can eliminate the nasty smell. Combine 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon of dish detergent, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 2 quarts warm water together. Then, scrub yourself with this solution to cleanse yourself.
Save yourself a trip to the nail salon. Soak your nails in a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to make them white again. Your wallet and your hands will thank you.
Don’t you hate when fungus ruin your plants? Add a bit of hydrogen peroxide to the plant’s water when you see fungus growing. This will eliminate it. Once the fungus disappears, return to normal water.
You can get your oven to look like it’s brand new by mixing together 1/4 cup of dish soap, 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide, a zest of one lemon, and one tablespoon of vinegar. Spread the glue-like concoction all over the oven.
Close the oven door and let it sit for four hours. After four hours, get a bucket of water and dip a cloth in it and wipe the entire oven down. You may have to scrub in certain spots.
It’s easy for your sponges to get stinky and filled with bacteria or mold. Instead of replacing them constantly, you can disinfect them by soaking them for 10 minutes in equal parts hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a shallow container. Rinse your sponge out well when they are done soaking.
You can use some hydrogen peroxide to brighten up grimy floors. Just mix a 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1 gallon of hot water and use this mild cleanser to mop any floor.
Hydrogen peroxide also works great as a glass cleaner. Just spray some right onto mirrors, glass stove tops and tables and wipe down with a lint-free cloth.
If you have any mold growth in your home, you’ll want to get rid of it immediately. Just spray hydrogen peroxide directly onto the mold growth to kill it. Let it sit for a little while and scrub away with a sponge.
If you’ve got some nasty stains in your clothing, curtains, or tablecloths, you can pre-treat those stains by soaking it in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide before you add it to the laundry.
Get those unsightly stains out of your toilet bowl by pouring 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and then scrub your stains away with a toilet brush.
Anyone with children knows what a mess they can make. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe alternative to nasty chemicals you don’t feel safe about having around your children. You can spray play areas and toys down or use a rag soaked in it and wipe items down.
In a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide, leave your contact lenses to soak in it overnight. Wash thoroughly. You might save some money on contact lens cleaner.
Mix together a 1:1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and water in an amber bottle and keep away from sunlight. Apply to fungus directly. Hopefully you won’t need a trip to the doctor!
Mixing 1 pint of hydrogen with 1 gallon of water and pouring into a humidifier will kick airborne germs in the bud. Cleanse your air with this natural remedy! Mix with some lavender oil for a nice scent.
If you carry packages of meat that are not always tightly packed and give under duress, use this tip. Sanitize reusable shopping bags with hydrogen peroxide. Thank you for using them and being thoughtful of the environment!
If you routinely clean your ear with hydrogen peroxide, it can also act as a preventative measure for swimmers ear. Know any swimmers in your life? This tip might make their life a lot easier!
Gargle with a mixture of coconut oil and hydrogen peroxide. This remedy has been said to relieve tooth pain swiftly! Show off those pearly whites confidently!
Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. In other words, we tend to think of it when it comes to disinfecting cuts or scrapes. When we think about hydrogen peroxide, we think of our childhood. Every time we see hydrogen peroxide, we remember that painful sting we felt when our parents would dab our cuts and/or scapes using a cotton ball that had hydrogen peroxide on it.
But as it turns out, this handy product has many more uses than just to prevent infection. It is actually one of the most versatile chemicals that you already have at home. It is helpful everywhere at home – from your garden to your kitchen to your bathroom. It is no wonder most parents always keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (sometimes more than just one bottle!) in the medicine cabinet.
We’ve collected some of the best uses for hydrogen peroxide. After you give some of these brilliant uses a try, we’re sure you’ll want to keep more of it readily available at home.
So the next time you go to the drugstore, make sure to pick up some extra hydrogen peroxide to store in your medicine cabinet. Your house might thank you for it.