Gardening & Outdoors
Man shares clever trick to get rid of ants in your backyard without chemicals
I never would've thought of this - it's so easy too!
Jake Manning

Ants are everywhere, and no matter how high your apartment is or how tidy your yard might be, you’re bound to encounter them at some point.

They’re some of the most common insects on the planet, with over 1,200 species, so it’s no surprise they’re everywhere—especially in warmer climates where they love to set up colonies.

If you’ve got a yard, you probably know how frustrating it is to find ants making a home in your lawn.


Many people turn to chemical ant killers to get rid of these pesky insects.

But there’s a growing interest in finding solutions that are effective, affordable, and, most importantly, safe for the environment and your family.

If you’re looking for a chemical-free way to deal with ants in your yard, one man named Dominic has shared a method that’s not only simple but also incredibly effective.


Get ready for a unique trick.

Dominic, who runs the YouTube channel 3BricksHigher, posted a video where he demonstrates how to rid your yard of ants using nothing more than a black plastic trash bag and a few bricks.

He claims the method is so safe that even a child could do it without the risk of being bitten, which makes it an attractive alternative to using chemicals.


In the video, Dominic explains that ants choose specific spots in your yard because they offer the perfect environment for their colonies to thrive.

The key to getting rid of them, he says, is to disrupt that environment, particularly targeting the larvae.

According to Dominic, ant larvae can only survive within a temperature range of 75 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

By altering the temperature in the ant bed, you can eliminate the entire colony.


The method is refreshingly simple.

After cutting your grass to make it easier to work with, locate the ant bed you want to target.

Cut the black plastic bag so that it fully covers the ant bed, then weigh down the edges with bricks.

The goal is to trap heat under the plastic, creating an “oven” effect that raises the temperature far beyond what the ants and their larvae can handle.


Dominic tested this method on an 84-degree day.

But within just two and a half hours, the temperature under the plastic had soared to 108 degrees Fahrenheit.

He left the plastic in place for about three days, and when he removed it, there were no signs of ants anywhere.

The heat had effectively destroyed the colony without the need for chemicals or any harmful substances.


The beauty of this approach is that it’s not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

There’s no need to worry about chemical fumes, residue, or potential harm to pets, children, or the surrounding plants in your garden.

It’s a solution that works with nature rather than against it, which is something that appeals to more and more people these days.


Dominic’s video has received a lot of positive feedback.

As he promised, the method is so straightforward that anyone, even kids, can help out without the risk of being harmed.

So, if you’re tired of battling ants in your yard and want to try a safer, eco-friendly approach, Dominic’s method is definitely worth a shot.

It’s a great example of how a little creativity and understanding of nature can lead to simple, yet effective solutions.


Watch Dominic’s video to see his method in action, and share it with anyone who might also be dealing with ant problems!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

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