Gardening & Outdoors
Man shows how to double potato harvest by making “dirt cheap” grow bags at home
This takes all the hassle of digging right out of the equation. 🧑‍🌾😍
Ma Fatima Garcia

Potatoes are one of the most versatile foods.

More importantly, we love them.

Aside from its flavor, it’s also packed with vitamin C, and potassium, and is an efficient food for energy production.

If you’re growing your own potatoes, discovering an easy, cheap, and effective method of doubling your yield sounds too good to be true.

Pexels - Pixabay
Pexels - Pixabay

Just last year, Nate Muri of the YouTube channel Garden Like a Viking, posted a video about his secret to planting potatoes.

He promises that this method will increase your yield.

It can double or triple the harvest.

Aside from this, Nate says that it works anywhere and doesn’t depend on the native soil.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

Here’s how he does it.

First, you have to lay down your weed fabric because the step will solve your issues and worries.

Create a barrier that will contain your soil, compost, and leaf mold.

This one is fairly easy because you can just use a pallet and just pound a stake on the weed fabric. No nails are needed for this.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

Once you are done, fill the area with 3-5 inches of leaf mold. You can also use leaves, soil, grass clippings, and even dried leaves.

This helps conserve water when it’s hot.

Take note that the potato roots will grow and get their water in the leaf molds.

Now it’s time to put your plastic bags in their permanent resting place.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

It’s important to remember that if you move them, you will damage the roots.

Pick a location and don’t move them.

The next step is to fill the bag with a third of the way with compost.

For this one, Nate used a combination of potting soil, native soil, and compost. Don’t forget to roll the edges of the bag.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

This step is also very important. Make sure to put drainage holes in each plastic bag. Using a long rebar, Nate punctured around 10 holes in each bag.

It’s time to add the potatoes.

It’s recommended to put four potato sprouts in each bag. Here comes the tip.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

Plant 2 potatoes at different levels.

Do so by noting the two points of the plastic bags. Dig almost all the way down to the bottom and place one potato on each side.

Then, fix the soil and in the opposite directions, plant the other two potatoes but make sure that they will be planted around two inches deep.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

This way, you’ve planted two potatoes on the bottom and two potatoes on the shallow part of the soil.

Next, get a 5-gallon bucket.

Fill it up with good black compost. Put it in your plastic bag and see sprouts in two weeks.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

Remember not to move your plastic bags just water them and allow them to grow.

How does this work?

According to Nate, the technique works because the plant will only have a limited place to absorb the nutrients, thus getting all the good stuff.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

If you plant them the usual way, there is a chance that the roots would spread out and will not get enough nutrients.

By creating a nutrient-rich environment, your potatoes will grow beautifully and will give you plenty of yields.

He even shared a bag he harvested.

The results? 3 potatoes turned into a 20-lb harvest.

YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking
YouTube Screenshot - Garden Like a Viking

Each potato looked healthy and delicious, to boot.

See how the whole process comes together in the video below and start planting potatoes!

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