Gardening & Outdoors
Planting gardens directly in soil bags is a thing and they turn out beautifully
Talk about convenient gardening. This takes the work right out of it. 🌱😍
B.T. Swezey

Gardening is great.

It allows us to get our hands dirty, spend some time outside, and connect with nature.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska
Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

However, gardening can also be pretty time-consuming and requires quite a bit of effort.

Some of us have very busy lives and don’t really have any extra time to pull weeds and build planter boxes on the weekends.

If that’s you, you’ll love this.

As it turns out, there is a nifty way to grow a garden without having to use up all of your precious time on the weekends.

Pexels - Greta Hoffman
Pexels - Greta Hoffman

Essentially, all you’ll need is a big bag of potting soil. No, really, that’s it.

People have started growing vegetables right out of their potting soil bags rather than going through the effort of transferring the soil to a pot or planter bed.

And you know what?

It works out great.

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Grab a couple bags of potting soil.

The number of bags you buy will dictate just how many plants you can plant.

Once you’ve purchased your bags, simply place them in a convenient corner of your yard. This works great for small yards or apartment balconies as well.

Some people like to place their potting soil bags on top of metal stands to keep them off the ground and create easier access.


Poke a bunch of holes in the top.

Then, simply flip the bags over and cut away the bag leaving a few inches on each side to act as a retaining wall for the soil.

Now take your seeds and plant your garden directly into the bag.

You can plant as many as you can fit, while maintaining proper spacing, of course, and then water them directly in the bag!

And because many soil bags come as a weed-free mixture, you don’t need to worry about getting down on your hands and knees and pulling out those pesky weeds.

Pexels - Pixabay
Pexels - Pixabay

Be sure to keep up on watering your plants, make sure they get plenty of sun, and in no time you’ll have a luscious garden growing right out of the soil bag.

This is a great trick that can be used to grow anything from flowers to vegetables.

They can grow quite a bit!

When people found out about this awesome idea they went crazy on social media.


They’re comments say it all.

Facebook - JewelsJM0rgan
Facebook - JewelsJM0rgan

There really is no limit to what you can grow with this technique and it doesn’t require much time or energy to pull off!

If you’re interested in gardening then this is one trick that you have to try out. You’ll be growing beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables in no time.


Need a visual on the process?

Pexels - Leah Kelley
Pexels - Leah Kelley

Get a full tutorial in the video below!

Be sure to pass this idea along to anyone else who may appreciate it. Now go grab your gloves. You’ve got some gardening to do!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
